ACACB c.5279A>G ;(p.N1760S)

Variant ID: 12-109683531-A-G


This variant was identified in 4 publications

View GRCh38 version.


Whole-exome sequencing reveals damaging gene variants associated with hypoalphalipoproteinemia.

Journal Of Lipid Research
Dong, Weilai W; Wong, Karen H Y KHY; Liu, Youbin Y; Levy-Sakin, Michal M; Hung, Wei-Chien WC; Li, Mo M; Li, Boyang B; Jin, Sheng Chih SC; Choi, Jungmin J; Lopez-Giraldez, Francesc F; Vaka, Dedeepya D; Poon, Annie A; Chu, Catherine C; Lao, Richard R; Balamir, Melek M; Movsesyan, Irina I; Malloy, Mary J MJ; Zhao, Hongyu H; Kwok, Pui-Yan PY; Kane, John P JP; Lifton, Richard P RP; Pullinger, Clive R CR
Publication Date: 2022-06

Variant appearance in text: ACACB: Asn1760Ser; rs147443159
PubMed Link: 35460704
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • mmc1.pdf
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Answer ALS, a large-scale resource for sporadic and familial ALS combining clinical and multi-omics data from induced pluripotent cell lines.

Nature Neuroscience
Baxi, Emily G EG; Thompson, Terri T; Li, Jonathan J; Kaye, Julia A JA; Lim, Ryan G RG; Wu, Jie J; Ramamoorthy, Divya D; Lima, Leandro L; Vaibhav, Vineet V; Matlock, Andrea A; Frank, Aaron A; Coyne, Alyssa N AN; Landin, Barry B; Ornelas, Loren L; Mosmiller, Elizabeth E; Thrower, Sara S; Farr, S Michelle SM; Panther, Lindsey L; Gomez, Emilda E; Galvez, Erick E; Perez, Daniel D; Meepe, Imara I; Lei, Susan S; Mandefro, Berhan B; Trost, Hannah H; Pinedo, Louis L; Banuelos, Maria G MG; Liu, Chunyan C; Moran, Ruby R; Garcia, Veronica V; Workman, Michael M; Ho, Richie R; Wyman, Stacia S; Roggenbuck, Jennifer J; Harms, Matthew B MB; Stocksdale, Jennifer J; Miramontes, Ricardo R; Wang, Keona K; Venkatraman, Vidya V; Holewenski, Ronald R; Sundararaman, Niveda N; Pandey, Rakhi R; Manalo, Danica-Mae DM; Donde, Aneesh A; Huynh, Nhan N; Adam, Miriam M; Wassie, Brook T BT; Vertudes, Edward E; Amirani, Naufa N; Raja, Krishna K; Thomas, Reuben R; Hayes, Lindsey L; Lenail, Alex A; Cerezo, Aianna A; Luppino, Sarah S; Farrar, Alanna A; Pothier, Lindsay L; Prina, Carolyn C; Morgan, Todd T; Jamil, Arish A; Heintzman, Sarah S; Jockel-Balsarotti, Jennifer J; Karanja, Elizabeth E; Markway, Jesse J; McCallum, Molly M; Joslin, Ben B; Alibazoglu, Deniz D; Kolb, Stephen S; Ajroud-Driss, Senda S; Baloh, Robert R; Heitzman, Daragh D; Miller, Tim T; Glass, Jonathan D JD; Patel-Murray, Natasha Leanna NL; Yu, Hong H; Sinani, Ervin E; Vigneswaran, Prasha P; Sherman, Alexander V AV; Ahmad, Omar O; Roy, Promit P; Beavers, Jay C JC; Zeiler, Steven S; Krakauer, John W JW; Agurto, Carla C; Cecchi, Guillermo G; Bellard, Mary M; Raghav, Yogindra Y; Sachs, Karen K; Ehrenberger, Tobias T; Bruce, Elizabeth E; Cudkowicz, Merit E ME; Maragakis, Nicholas N; Norel, Raquel R; Van Eyk, Jennifer E JE; Finkbeiner, Steven S; Berry, James J; Sareen, Dhruv D; Thompson, Leslie M LM; Fraenkel, Ernest E; Svendsen, Clive N CN; Rothstein, Jeffrey D JD
Publication Date: 2022-02

Variant appearance in text: ACACB: N1760S; rs147443159
PubMed Link: 35115730
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41593_2021_1006_MOESM4_ESM.xlsx, sheet 9
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Hypomorphic variants of cationic amino acid transporter 3 in males with autism spectrum disorders.

Amino Acids
Nava, Caroline C; Rupp, Johanna J; Boissel, Jean-Paul JP; Mignot, Cyril C; Rastetter, Agnès A; Amiet, Claire C; Jacquette, Aurélia A; Dupuits, Céline C; Bouteiller, Delphine D; Keren, Boris B; Ruberg, Merle M; Faudet, Anne A; Doummar, Diane D; Philippe, Anne A; Périsse, Didier D; Laurent, Claudine C; Lebrun, Nicolas N; Guillemot, Vincent V; Chelly, Jamel J; Cohen, David D; Héron, Delphine D; Brice, Alexis A; Closs, Ellen I EI; Depienne, Christel C
Publication Date: 2015-12

Variant appearance in text: ACACB: N1760S
PubMed Link: 26215737
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 726_2015_2057_MOESM2_ESM.xlsx, sheet 1
View BVdb publication page

Whole genome SNP genotyping and exome sequencing reveal novel genetic variants and putative causative genes in congenital hyperinsulinism.

Plos One
Proverbio, Maria Carla MC; Mangano, Eleonora E; Gessi, Alessandra A; Bordoni, Roberta R; Spinelli, Roberta R; Asselta, Rosanna R; Valin, Paola Sogno PS; Di Candia, Stefania S; Zamproni, Ilaria I; Diceglie, Cecilia C; Mora, Stefano S; Caruso-Nicoletti, Manuela M; Salvatoni, Alessandro A; De Bellis, Gianluca G; Battaglia, Cristina C
Publication Date: 2013

Variant appearance in text: ACACB: N1760S
PubMed Link: 23869231
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • pone.0068740.pdf
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