BRCA2 c.10G>T ;(p.G4*)

Variant ID: 13-32890607-G-T


This variant was identified in 12 publications

View GRCh38 version.


Whole-exome Sequencing of Nigerian Prostate Tumors from the Prostate Cancer Transatlantic Consortium (CaPTC) Reveals DNA Repair Genes Associated with African Ancestry.

Cancer Research Communications
White, Jason A JA; Kaninjing, Ernest T ET; Adeniji, Kayode A KA; Jibrin, Paul P; Obafunwa, John O JO; Ogo, Chidiebere N CN; Mohammed, Faruk F; Popoola, Ademola A; Fatiregun, Omolara A OA; Oluwole, Olabode P OP; Karanam, Balasubramanyam B; Elhussin, Isra I; Ambs, Stefan S; Tang, Wei W; Davis, Melissa M; Polak, Paz P; Campbell, Moray J MJ; Brignole, Kathryn R KR; Rotimi, Solomon O SO; Dean-Colomb, Windy W; Odedina, Folake T FT; Martin, Damali N DN; Yates, Clayton C
Publication Date: 2022-09

Variant appearance in text: BRCA2: 10G>T; rs397507571
PubMed Link: 36922933
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • crc-22-0136-s01.xlsx, sheet 1
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Network expansion of genetic associations defines a pleiotropy map of human cell biology.

Nature Genetics
Barrio-Hernandez, Inigo I; Schwartzentruber, Jeremy J; Shrivastava, Anjali A; Del-Toro, Noemi N; Gonzalez, Asier A; Zhang, Qian Q; Mountjoy, Edward E; Suveges, Daniel D; Ochoa, David D; Ghoussaini, Maya M; Bradley, Glyn G; Hermjakob, Henning H; Orchard, Sandra S; Dunham, Ian I; Anderson, Carl A CA; Porras, Pablo P; Beltrao, Pedro P
Publication Date: 2023-02-23

Variant appearance in text: BRCA2: 10G>T; Gly4Ter
PubMed Link: 36823319
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41588_2023_1327_MOESM4_ESM.xlsx, sheet 6
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Ethnic-specificity, evolution origin and deleteriousness of Asian BRCA variation revealed by over 7500 BRCA variants derived from Asian population.

International Journal Of Cancer
Qin, Zixin Z; Li, Jiaheng J; Tam, Benjamin B; Sinha, Siddharth S; Zhao, Bojin B; Bhaskaran, Shanmuga Priya SP; Huang, Teng T; Wu, Xiaobing X; Chian, Jia Sheng JS; Guo, Maoni M; Kou, Si Hoi SH; Lei, Huijun H; Zhang, Li L; Wang, Xiaoyu X; Lagniton, Philip Naderev P PNP; Xiao, Fengxia F; Jiang, Xinyang X; Wang, San Ming SM
Publication Date: 2022-11-17

Variant appearance in text: BRCA2: 10G>T; rs397507571
PubMed Link: 36385461
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • IJC-152-1159-s010.xlsx, sheet 1
  • IJC-152-1159-s002.xlsx, sheet 2
  • IJC-152-1159-s011.xlsx, sheet 2
  • IJC-152-1159-s006.xlsx, sheet 3
  • IJC-152-1159-s010.xlsx, sheet 6
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Copy number variants as modifiers of breast cancer risk for BRCA1/BRCA2 pathogenic variant carriers.

Communications Biology
Hakkaart, Christopher C; Pearson, John F JF; Marquart, Louise L; Dennis, Joe J; Wiggins, George A R GAR; Barnes, Daniel R DR; Robinson, Bridget A BA; Mace, Peter D PD; Aittomäki, Kristiina K; Andrulis, Irene L IL; Arun, Banu K BK; Azzollini, Jacopo J; Balmaña, Judith J; Barkardottir, Rosa B RB; Belhadj, Sami S; Berger, Lieke L; Blok, Marinus J MJ; Boonen, Susanne E SE; Borde, Julika J; Bradbury, Angela R AR; Brunet, Joan J; Buys, Saundra S SS; Caligo, Maria A MA; Campbell, Ian I; Chung, Wendy K WK; Claes, Kathleen B M KBM; , ; , ; Collonge-Rame, Marie-Agnès MA; Cook, Jackie J; Cosgrove, Casey C; Couch, Fergus J FJ; Daly, Mary B MB; Dandiker, Sita S; Davidson, Rosemarie R; de la Hoya, Miguel M; de Putter, Robin R; Delnatte, Capucine C; Dhawan, Mallika M; Diez, Orland O; Ding, Yuan Chun YC; Domchek, Susan M SM; Donaldson, Alan A; Eason, Jacqueline J; Easton, Douglas F DF; Ehrencrona, Hans H; Engel, Christoph C; Evans, D Gareth DG; Faust, Ulrike U; Feliubadaló, Lidia L; Fostira, Florentia F; Friedman, Eitan E; Frone, Megan M; Frost, Debra D; Garber, Judy J; Gayther, Simon A SA; Gehrig, Andrea A; Gesta, Paul P; Godwin, Andrew K AK; Goldgar, David E DE; Greene, Mark H MH; Hahnen, Eric E; Hake, Christopher R CR; Hamann, Ute U; Hansen, Thomas V O TVO; Hauke, Jan J; Hentschel, Julia J; Herold, Natalie N; Honisch, Ellen E; Hulick, Peter J PJ; Imyanitov, Evgeny N EN; , ; , ; , ; Isaacs, Claudine C; Izatt, Louise L; Izquierdo, Angel A; Jakubowska, Anna A; James, Paul A PA; Janavicius, Ramunas R; John, Esther M EM; Joseph, Vijai V; Karlan, Beth Y BY; Kemp, Zoe Z; Kirk, Judy J; Konstantopoulou, Irene I; Koudijs, Marco M; Kwong, Ava A; Laitman, Yael Y; Lalloo, Fiona F; Lasset, Christine C; Lautrup, Charlotte C; Lazaro, Conxi C; Legrand, Clémentine C; Leslie, Goska G; Lesueur, Fabienne F; Mai, Phuong L PL; Manoukian, Siranoush S; Mari, Véronique V; Martens, John W M JWM; McGuffog, Lesley L; Mebirouk, Noura N; Meindl, Alfons A; Miller, Austin A; Montagna, Marco M; Moserle, Lidia L; Mouret-Fourme, Emmanuelle E; Musgrave, Hannah H; Nambot, Sophie S; Nathanson, Katherine L KL; Neuhausen, Susan L SL; Nevanlinna, Heli H; Yie, Joanne Ngeow Yuen JNY; Nguyen-Dumont, Tu T; Nikitina-Zake, Liene L; Offit, Kenneth K; Olah, Edith E; Olopade, Olufunmilayo I OI; Osorio, Ana A; Ott, Claus-Eric CE; Park, Sue K SK; Parsons, Michael T MT; Pedersen, Inge Sokilde IS; Peixoto, Ana A; Perez-Segura, Pedro P; Peterlongo, Paolo P; Pocza, Timea T; Radice, Paolo P; Ramser, Juliane J; Rantala, Johanna J; Rodriguez, Gustavo C GC; Rønlund, Karina K; Rosenberg, Efraim H EH; Rossing, Maria M; Schmutzler, Rita K RK; Shah, Payal D PD; Sharif, Saba S; Sharma, Priyanka P; Side, Lucy E LE; Simard, Jacques J; Singer, Christian F CF; Snape, Katie K; Steinemann, Doris D; Stoppa-Lyonnet, Dominique D; Sutter, Christian C; Tan, Yen Yen YY; Teixeira, Manuel R MR; Teo, Soo Hwang SH; Thomassen, Mads M; Thull, Darcy L DL; Tischkowitz, Marc M; Toland, Amanda E AE; Trainer, Alison H AH; Tripathi, Vishakha V; Tung, Nadine N; van Engelen, Klaartje K; van Rensburg, Elizabeth J EJ; Vega, Ana A; Viel, Alessandra A; Walker, Lisa L; Weitzel, Jeffrey N JN; Wevers, Marike R MR; Chenevix-Trench, Georgia G; Spurdle, Amanda B AB; Antoniou, Antonis C AC; Walker, Logan C LC
Publication Date: 2022-10-06

Variant appearance in text: BRCA2: 10G>T; Gly4X
PubMed Link: 36203093
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 42003_2022_3978_MOESM4_ESM.xlsx, sheet 14
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Response prediction in patients with gastric and esophagogastric adenocarcinoma under neoadjuvant chemotherapy using targeted gene expression analysis and next-generation sequencing in pre-therapeutic biopsies.

Journal Of Cancer Research And Clinical Oncology
Kleo, Karsten K; Jovanovic, Vladimir M VM; Arndold, Alexander A; Lehmann, Annika A; Lammert, Hedwig H; Berg, Erika E; Harloff, Hannah H; Treese, Christoph C; Hummel, Michael M; Daum, Severin S
Publication Date: 2022-03-05

Variant appearance in text: BRCA2: 10G>T; rs397507571
PubMed Link: 35246724
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 432_2022_3944_MOESM1_ESM.xlsx, sheet 1
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Human BRCA pathogenic variants were originated during recent human history.

Life Science Alliance
Li, Jiaheng J; Zhao, Bojin B; Huang, Teng T; Qin, Zixin Z; Wang, San Ming SM
Publication Date: 2022-05

Variant appearance in text: BRCA2: G4X
PubMed Link: 35165121
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • LSA-2021-01263_TableS2.xlsx, sheet 2
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A computational and structural analysis of germline and somatic variants affecting the DDR mechanism, and their impact on human diseases.

Scientific Reports
Magraner-Pardo, Lorena L; Laskowski, Roman A RA; Pons, Tirso T; Thornton, Janet M JM
Publication Date: 2021-07-12

Variant appearance in text: BRCA2: 10G>T; Gly4Ter; rs397507571
PubMed Link: 34253785
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41598_2021_93715_MOESM2_ESM.xlsx, sheet 7
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Prediction of the functional impact of missense variants in BRCA1 and BRCA2 with BRCA-ML.

Npj Breast Cancer
Hart, Steven N SN; Polley, Eric C EC; Shimelis, Hermella H; Yadav, Siddhartha S; Couch, Fergus J FJ
Publication Date: 2020

Variant appearance in text: BRCA2: 10G>T; Gly4X
PubMed Link: 32377563
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41523_2020_159_MOESM3_ESM.xlsx, sheet 1
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One in three highly selected Greek patients with breast cancer carries a loss-of-function variant in a cancer susceptibility gene.

Journal Of Medical Genetics
Fostira, Florentia F; Kostantopoulou, Irene I; Apostolou, Paraskevi P; Papamentzelopoulou, Myrto S MS; Papadimitriou, Christos C; Faliakou, Eleni E; Christodoulou, Christos C; Boukovinas, Ioannis I; Razis, Evangelia E; Tryfonopoulos, Dimitrios D; Barbounis, Vasileios V; Vagena, Andromache A; Vlachos, Ioannis S IS; Kalfakakou, Despoina D; Fountzilas, George G; Yannoukakos, Drakoulis D
Publication Date: 2020-01

Variant appearance in text: BRCA2: 10G>T; Gly4Ter
PubMed Link: 31300551
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • jmedgenet-2019-106189supp005.pdf
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Analysis of hereditary cancer syndromes by using a panel of genes: novel and multiple pathogenic mutations.

Bmc Cancer
Tsaousis, Georgios N GN; Papadopoulou, Eirini E; Apessos, Angela A; Agiannitopoulos, Konstantinos K; Pepe, Georgia G; Kampouri, Stavroula S; Diamantopoulos, Nikolaos N; Floros, Theofanis T; Iosifidou, Rodoniki R; Katopodi, Ourania O; Koumarianou, Anna A; Markopoulos, Christos C; Papazisis, Konstantinos K; Venizelos, Vasileios V; Xanthakis, Ioannis I; Xepapadakis, Grigorios G; Banu, Eugeniu E; Eniu, Dan Tudor DT; Negru, Serban S; Stanculeanu, Dana Lucia DL; Ungureanu, Andrei A; Ozmen, Vahit V; Tansan, Sualp S; Tekinel, Mehmet M; Yalcin, Suayib S; Nasioulas, George G
Publication Date: 2019-06-03

Variant appearance in text: BRCA2: 10G>T; Gly4Ter; rs397507571
PubMed Link: 31159747
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 12885_2019_5756_MOESM3_ESM.xlsx, sheet 1
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appreci8: a pipeline for precise variant calling integrating 8 tools.

Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)
Sandmann, Sarah S; Karimi, Mohsen M; de Graaf, Aniek O AO; Rohde, Christian C; Göllner, Stefanie S; Varghese, Julian J; Ernsting, Jan J; Walldin, Gunilla G; van der Reijden, Bert A BA; Müller-Tidow, Carsten C; Malcovati, Luca L; Hellström-Lindberg, Eva E; Jansen, Joop H JH; Dugas, Martin M
Publication Date: 2018-12-15

Variant appearance in text: BRCA2: 10G>T; Gly4*
PubMed Link: 29945233
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • bty518_supplementary_data_s8.xls, sheet 8
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A comparative study of germline BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation screening methods in use in 20 European clinical diagnostic laboratories.

British Journal Of Cancer
Ellison, Gillian G; Wallace, Andrew A; Kohlmann, Alexander A; Patton, Simon S
Publication Date: 2017-08-22

Variant appearance in text: BRCA2: 10G>T
PubMed Link: 28751759
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
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