BRCA2 c.256del ;(p.L86*)

Variant ID: 13-32893402-GC-G


This variant was identified in 1 publication

View GRCh38 version.


Screening of BRCA1/2 variants in Mauritanian breast cancer patients.

Bmc Cancer
Brahim, Selma Mohamed SM; Zein, Ekht Elbenina EE; Bonnet, Crystel C; Hamed, Cheikh Tijani CT; Salame, Malak M; Zein, Mohamed Vall MV; Khyatti, Meriem M; Tolba, Ahmedou A; Houmeida, Ahmed A
Publication Date: 2022-07-20

Variant appearance in text: BRCA2: 256del; Leu86Ter
PubMed Link: 35858847
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
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