PIK3CB c.1262A>C ;(p.N421T)

Variant ID: 3-138433350-T-G


This variant was identified in 3 publications

View GRCh38 version.


Transient commensal clonal interactions can drive tumor metastasis.

Nature Communications
Naffar-Abu Amara, Suha S; Kuiken, Hendrik J HJ; Selfors, Laura M LM; Butler, Timothy T; Leung, Marco L ML; Leung, Cheuk T CT; Kuhn, Elaine P EP; Kolarova, Teodora T; Hage, Carina C; Ganesh, Kripa K; Panayiotou, Richard R; Foster, Rosemary R; Rueda, Bo R BR; Aktipis, Athena A; Spellman, Paul P; Ince, Tan A TA; Xiu, Joanne J; Oberley, Matthew M; Gatalica, Zoran Z; Navin, Nicholas N; Mills, Gordon B GB; Bronson, Rodrick T RT; Brugge, Joan S JS
Publication Date: 2020-11-16

Variant appearance in text: PIK3CB: N421T
PubMed Link: 33199705
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41467_2020_19584_MOESM4_ESM.xlsx, sheet 1
View BVdb publication page

Functional genomic landscape of acute myeloid leukaemia.

Tyner, Jeffrey W JW; Tognon, Cristina E CE; Bottomly, Daniel D; Wilmot, Beth B; Kurtz, Stephen E SE; Savage, Samantha L SL; Long, Nicola N; Schultz, Anna Reister AR; Traer, Elie E; Abel, Melissa M; Agarwal, Anupriya A; Blucher, Aurora A; Borate, Uma U; Bryant, Jade J; Burke, Russell R; Carlos, Amy A; Carpenter, Richie R; Carroll, Joseph J; Chang, Bill H BH; Coblentz, Cody C; d'Almeida, Amanda A; Cook, Rachel R; Danilov, Alexey A; Dao, Kim-Hien T KT; Degnin, Michie M; Devine, Deirdre D; Dibb, James J; Edwards, David K DK; Eide, Christopher A CA; English, Isabel I; Glover, Jason J; Henson, Rachel R; Ho, Hibery H; Jemal, Abdusebur A; Johnson, Kara K; Johnson, Ryan R; Junio, Brian B; Kaempf, Andy A; Leonard, Jessica J; Lin, Chenwei C; Liu, Selina Qiuying SQ; Lo, Pierrette P; Loriaux, Marc M MM; Luty, Samuel S; Macey, Tara T; MacManiman, Jason J; Martinez, Jacqueline J; Mori, Motomi M; Nelson, Dylan D; Nichols, Ceilidh C; Peters, Jill J; Ramsdill, Justin J; Rofelty, Angela A; Schuff, Robert R; Searles, Robert R; Segerdell, Erik E; Smith, Rebecca L RL; Spurgeon, Stephen E SE; Sweeney, Tyler T; Thapa, Aashis A; Visser, Corinne C; Wagner, Jake J; Watanabe-Smith, Kevin K; Werth, Kristen K; Wolf, Joelle J; White, Libbey L; Yates, Amy A; Zhang, Haijiao H; Cogle, Christopher R CR; Collins, Robert H RH; Connolly, Denise C DC; Deininger, Michael W MW; Drusbosky, Leylah L; Hourigan, Christopher S CS; Jordan, Craig T CT; Kropf, Patricia P; Lin, Tara L TL; Martinez, Micaela E ME; Medeiros, Bruno C BC; Pallapati, Rachel R RR; Pollyea, Daniel A DA; Swords, Ronan T RT; Watts, Justin M JM; Weir, Scott J SJ; Wiest, David L DL; Winters, Ryan M RM; McWeeney, Shannon K SK; Druker, Brian J BJ
Publication Date: 2018-10

Variant appearance in text: PIK3CB: 1262A>C; N421T
PubMed Link: 30333627
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • NIHMS1504008-supplement-Supplementary_Tables_S1-S22.xlsx, sheet 16
View BVdb publication page

Scalable whole-exome sequencing of cell-free DNA reveals high concordance with metastatic tumors.

Nature Communications
Adalsteinsson, Viktor A VA; Ha, Gavin G; Freeman, Samuel S SS; Choudhury, Atish D AD; Stover, Daniel G DG; Parsons, Heather A HA; Gydush, Gregory G; Reed, Sarah C SC; Rotem, Denisse D; Rhoades, Justin J; Loginov, Denis D; Livitz, Dimitri D; Rosebrock, Daniel D; Leshchiner, Ignaty I; Kim, Jaegil J; Stewart, Chip C; Rosenberg, Mara M; Francis, Joshua M JM; Zhang, Cheng-Zhong CZ; Cohen, Ofir O; Oh, Coyin C; Ding, Huiming H; Polak, Paz P; Lloyd, Max M; Mahmud, Sairah S; Helvie, Karla K; Merrill, Margaret S MS; Santiago, Rebecca A RA; O'Connor, Edward P EP; Jeong, Seong H SH; Leeson, Rachel R; Barry, Rachel M RM; Kramkowski, Joseph F JF; Zhang, Zhenwei Z; Polacek, Laura L; Lohr, Jens G JG; Schleicher, Molly M; Lipscomb, Emily E; Saltzman, Andrea A; Oliver, Nelly M NM; Marini, Lori L; Waks, Adrienne G AG; Harshman, Lauren C LC; Tolaney, Sara M SM; Van Allen, Eliezer M EM; Winer, Eric P EP; Lin, Nancy U NU; Nakabayashi, Mari M; Taplin, Mary-Ellen ME; Johannessen, Cory M CM; Garraway, Levi A LA; Golub, Todd R TR; Boehm, Jesse S JS; Wagle, Nikhil N; Getz, Gad G; Love, J Christopher JC; Meyerson, Matthew M
Publication Date: 2017-11-06

Variant appearance in text: PIK3CB: N421T
PubMed Link: 29109393
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41467_2017_965_MOESM7_ESM.xlsx, sheet 5
  • 41467_2017_965_MOESM7_ESM.xlsx, sheet 1
View BVdb publication page