ALPK1 c.1913T>C ;(p.M638T)

Variant ID: 4-113352616-T-C


This variant was identified in 2 publications

View GRCh38 version.


Integrative and comparative genomic analyses identify clinically relevant pulmonary carcinoid groups and unveil the supra-carcinoids.

Nature Communications
Alcala, N N; Leblay, N N; Gabriel, A A G AAG; Mangiante, L L; Hervas, D D; Giffon, T T; Sertier, A S AS; Ferrari, A A; Derks, J J; Ghantous, A A; Delhomme, T M TM; Chabrier, A A; Cuenin, C C; Abedi-Ardekani, B B; Boland, A A; Olaso, R R; Meyer, V V; Altmuller, J J; Le Calvez-Kelm, F F; Durand, G G; Voegele, C C; Boyault, S S; Moonen, L L; Lemaitre, N N; Lorimier, P P; Toffart, A C AC; Soltermann, A A; Clement, J H JH; Saenger, J J; Field, J K JK; Brevet, M M; Blanc-Fournier, C C; Galateau-Salle, F F; Le Stang, N N; Russell, P A PA; Wright, G G; Sozzi, G G; Pastorino, U U; Lacomme, S S; Vignaud, J M JM; Hofman, V V; Hofman, P P; Brustugun, O T OT; Lund-Iversen, M M; Thomas de Montpreville, V V; Muscarella, L A LA; Graziano, P P; Popper, H H; Stojsic, J J; Deleuze, J F JF; Herceg, Z Z; Viari, A A; Nuernberg, P P; Pelosi, G G; Dingemans, A M C AMC; Milione, M M; Roz, L L; Brcic, L L; Volante, M M; Papotti, M G MG; Caux, C C; Sandoval, J J; Hernandez-Vargas, H H; Brambilla, E E; Speel, E J M EJM; Girard, N N; Lantuejoul, S S; McKay, J D JD; Foll, M M; Fernandez-Cuesta, L L
Publication Date: 2019-08-20

Variant appearance in text: ALPK1: 1913T>C; M638T
PubMed Link: 31431620
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41467_2019_11276_MOESM7_ESM.xlsx, sheet 1
View BVdb publication page

Integrative genomic profiling of large-cell neuroendocrine carcinomas reveals distinct subtypes of high-grade neuroendocrine lung tumors.

Nature Communications
George, Julie J; Walter, Vonn V; Peifer, Martin M; Alexandrov, Ludmil B LB; Seidel, Danila D; Leenders, Frauke F; Maas, Lukas L; Müller, Christian C; Dahmen, Ilona I; Delhomme, Tiffany M TM; Ardin, Maude M; Leblay, Noemie N; Byrnes, Graham G; Sun, Ruping R; De Reynies, Aurélien A; McLeer-Florin, Anne A; Bosco, Graziella G; Malchers, Florian F; Menon, Roopika R; Altmüller, Janine J; Becker, Christian C; Nürnberg, Peter P; Achter, Viktor V; Lang, Ulrich U; Schneider, Peter M PM; Bogus, Magdalena M; Soloway, Matthew G MG; Wilkerson, Matthew D MD; Cun, Yupeng Y; McKay, James D JD; Moro-Sibilot, Denis D; Brambilla, Christian G CG; Lantuejoul, Sylvie S; Lemaitre, Nicolas N; Soltermann, Alex A; Weder, Walter W; Tischler, Verena V; Brustugun, Odd Terje OT; Lund-Iversen, Marius M; Helland, Åslaug Å; Solberg, Steinar S; Ansén, Sascha S; Wright, Gavin G; Solomon, Benjamin B; Roz, Luca L; Pastorino, Ugo U; Petersen, Iver I; Clement, Joachim H JH; Sänger, Jörg J; Wolf, Jürgen J; Vingron, Martin M; Zander, Thomas T; Perner, Sven S; Travis, William D WD; Haas, Stefan A SA; Olivier, Magali M; Foll, Matthieu M; Büttner, Reinhard R; Hayes, David Neil DN; Brambilla, Elisabeth E; Fernandez-Cuesta, Lynnette L; Thomas, Roman K RK
Publication Date: 2018-03-13

Variant appearance in text: ALPK1: 1913T>C; M638T
PubMed Link: 29535388
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41467_2018_3099_MOESM8_ESM.xlsx, sheet 1
View BVdb publication page