BRAF c.2185T>G ;(p.S729A)

Variant ID: 7-140434513-A-C


This variant was identified in 11 publications

View GRCh38 version.


Analysis of RAS and drug induced homo- and heterodimerization of RAF and KSR1 proteins in living cells using split Nanoluc luciferase.

Cell Communication And Signaling : Ccs
Rohrer, Lino L; Spohr, Corinna C; Beha, Carina C; Griffin, Ricarda R; Braun, Sandra S; Halbach, Sebastian S; Brummer, Tilman T
Publication Date: 2023-06-14

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: S729A
PubMed Link: 37316874
Variant Present in the following documents:
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  • 12964_2023_Article_1146.pdf
  • 12964_2023_1146_MOESM4_ESM.pdf
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AK2 is an AMP-sensing negative regulator of BRAF in tumorigenesis.

Cell Death & Disease
Kim, Hyunjoo H; Jeong, Muhah M; Na, Do-Hyeong DH; Ryu, Shin-Hyeon SH; Jeong, Eun Il EI; Jung, Kwangmin K; Kang, Jaemin J; Lee, Ho-June HJ; Sim, Taebo T; Yu, Dae-Yeul DY; Yu, Hee Chul HC; Cho, Baik-Hwan BH; Jung, Yong-Keun YK
Publication Date: 2022-05-18

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: S729A
PubMed Link: 35585049
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Analyses of the oncogenic BRAFD594G variant reveal a kinase-independent function of BRAF in activating MAPK signaling.

The Journal Of Biological Chemistry
Cope, Nicholas J NJ; Novak, Borna B; Liu, Zhiwei Z; Cavallo, Maria M; Gunderwala, Amber Y AY; Connolly, Matthew M; Wang, Zhihong Z
Publication Date: 2020-02-21

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: S729A
PubMed Link: 31929109
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Architecture of autoinhibited and active BRAF-MEK1-14-3-3 complexes.

Park, Eunyoung E; Rawson, Shaun S; Li, Kunhua K; Kim, Byeong-Won BW; Ficarro, Scott B SB; Pino, Gonzalo Gonzalez-Del GG; Sharif, Humayun H; Marto, Jarrod A JA; Jeon, Hyesung H; Eck, Michael J MJ
Publication Date: 2019-11

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: S729A
PubMed Link: 31581174
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BRAF inhibitors promote intermediate BRAF(V600E) conformations and binary interactions with activated RAS.

Science Advances
Röck, Ruth R; Mayrhofer, Johanna E JE; Torres-Quesada, Omar O; Enzler, Florian F; Raffeiner, Andrea A; Raffeiner, Philipp P; Feichtner, Andreas A; Huber, Roland G RG; Koide, Shohei S; Taylor, Susan S SS; Troppmair, Jakob J; Stefan, Eduard E
Publication Date: 2019-08

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: S729A
PubMed Link: 31453322
Variant Present in the following documents:
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  • aav8463.pdf
  • aav8463_SM.pdf
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K27-linked ubiquitination of BRAF by ITCH engages cytokine response to maintain MEK-ERK signaling.

Nature Communications
Yin, Qing Q; Han, Tao T; Fang, Bin B; Zhang, Guolin G; Zhang, Chao C; Roberts, Evan R ER; Izumi, Victoria V; Zheng, Mengmeng M; Jiang, Shulong S; Yin, Xiu X; Kim, Minjung M; Cai, Jianfeng J; Haura, Eric B EB; Koomen, John M JM; Smalley, Keiran S M KSM; Wan, Lixin L
Publication Date: 2019-04-23

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: S729A
PubMed Link: 31015455
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • 41467_2019_Article_9844.pdf
  • 41467_2019_9844_MOESM1_ESM.pdf
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Over-expressed, N-terminally truncated BRAF is detected in the nucleus of cells with nuclear phosphorylated MEK and ERK.

Hey, Fiona F; Andreadi, Catherine C; Noble, Catherine C; Patel, Bipin B; Jin, Hong H; Kamata, Tamihiro T; Straatman, Kees K; Luo, Jinli J; Balmanno, Kathryn K; Jones, David T W DTW; Collins, V Peter VP; Cook, Simon J SJ; Caunt, Christopher J CJ; Pritchard, Catrin C
Publication Date: 2018-12

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: S729A
PubMed Link: 30603699
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  • mmc1.pdf
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BRAF Splice Variant Resistance to RAF Inhibitor Requires Enhanced MEK Association.

Cell Reports
Vido, Michael J MJ; Le, Kaitlyn K; Hartsough, Edward J EJ; Aplin, Andrew E AE
Publication Date: 2018-11-06

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: S729A
PubMed Link: 30404005
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Discrete cytosolic macromolecular BRAF complexes exhibit distinct activities and composition.

The Embo Journal
Diedrich, Britta B; Rigbolt, Kristoffer Tg KT; Röring, Michael M; Herr, Ricarda R; Kaeser-Pebernard, Stephanie S; Gretzmeier, Christine C; Murphy, Robert F RF; Brummer, Tilman T; Dengjel, Jörn J
Publication Date: 2017-03-01

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: S729A
PubMed Link: 28093501
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Phosphorylation of BRAF by AMPK impairs BRAF-KSR1 association and cell proliferation.

Molecular Cell
Shen, Che-Hung CH; Yuan, Ping P; Perez-Lorenzo, Rolando R; Zhang, Yaqing Y; Lee, Sze Xian SX; Ou, Yang Y; Asara, John M JM; Cantley, Lewis C LC; Zheng, Bin B
Publication Date: 2013-10-24

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: S729A
PubMed Link: 24095280
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Inhibitors that stabilize a closed RAF kinase domain conformation induce dimerization.

Nature Chemical Biology
Lavoie, Hugo H; Thevakumaran, Neroshan N; Gavory, Gwenaëlle G; Li, John J JJ; Padeganeh, Abbas A; Guiral, Sébastien S; Duchaine, Jean J; Mao, Daniel Y L DY; Bouvier, Michel M; Sicheri, Frank F; Therrien, Marc M
Publication Date: 2013-07

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: S729A
PubMed Link: 23685672
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • nihms3965.pdf
  • NIHMS3965-supplement-1.pdf
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