BRAF c.2012G>A ;(p.R671Q)

Variant ID: 7-140439727-C-T


This variant was identified in 26 publications

View GRCh38 version.


KRAS and RAS-MAPK Pathway Deregulation in Mature B Cell Lymphoproliferative Disorders.

Vendramini, Elena E; Bomben, Riccardo R; Pozzo, Federico F; Bittolo, Tamara T; Tissino, Erika E; Gattei, Valter V; Zucchetto, Antonella A
Publication Date: 2022-01-28

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: R671Q
PubMed Link: 35158933
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • cancers-14-00666.pdf
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KRAS and RAS-MAPK Pathway Deregulation in Mature B Cell Lymphoproliferative Disorders.

Vendramini, Elena E; Bomben, Riccardo R; Pozzo, Federico F; Bittolo, Tamara T; Tissino, Erika E; Gattei, Valter V; Zucchetto, Antonella A
Publication Date: 2022-01-28

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: R671Q
PubMed Link: 35158933
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • cancers-14-00666.pdf
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Targeted Therapy of Papillary Thyroid Cancer: A Comprehensive Genomic Analysis.

Frontiers In Endocrinology
Hescheler, Daniel A DA; Riemann, Burkhard B; Hartmann, Milan J M MJM; Michel, Maximilian M; Faust, Michael M; Bruns, Christiane J CJ; Alakus, Hakan H; Chiapponi, Costanza C
Publication Date: 2021

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: R671Q
PubMed Link: 34630336
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Table_1.xlsx, sheet 2
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Correlation Between the Evolution of Somatic Alterations During Lymphatic Metastasis and Clinical Outcome in Penile Squamous Cell Carcinoma.

Frontiers In Oncology
Cao, Jian J; Yang, Chun-He CH; Han, Wei-Qing WQ; Xie, Yu Y; Liu, Zhi-Zhong ZZ; Jiang, Shu-Suan SS
Publication Date: 2021

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 2012G>A; R671Q
PubMed Link: 34150614
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Table_2.xlsx, sheet 1
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Comprehensive analysis of mutational and clinicopathologic characteristics of poorly differentiated colorectal neuroendocrine carcinomas.

Scientific Reports
Lee, Sun Mi SM; Sung, Chang Ohk CO
Publication Date: 2021-03-18

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: R671Q
PubMed Link: 33737597
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • 41598_2021_Article_85593.pdf
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Assessment of RAS Dependency for BRAF Alterations Using Cancer Genomic Databases.

Jama Network Open
Zhao, Yiqing Y; Yu, Hanzhong H; Ida, Cris M CM; Halling, Kevin C KC; Kipp, Benjamin R BR; Geiersbach, Katherine K; Rumilla, Kandelaria M KM; Gupta, Sounak S; Lin, Ming-Tseh MT; Zheng, Gang G
Publication Date: 2021-01-04

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: R671Q
PubMed Link: 33507258
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • jamanetwopen-e2035479-s001.pdf
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Pan-cancer circulating tumor DNA detection in over 10,000 Chinese patients.

Nature Communications
Zhang, Yongliang Y; Yao, Yu Y; Xu, Yaping Y; Li, Lifeng L; Gong, Yan Y; Zhang, Kai K; Zhang, Meng M; Guan, Yanfang Y; Chang, Lianpeng L; Xia, Xuefeng X; Li, Lin L; Jia, Shuqin S; Zeng, Qiang Q
Publication Date: 2021-01-04

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 2012G>A; R671Q
PubMed Link: 33397889
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41467_2020_20162_MOESM6_ESM.xlsx, sheet 1
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Predictive Biomarkers for Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors in Metastatic Breast Cancer.

Cancer Medicine
Sivapiragasam, Abirami A; Ashok Kumar, Prashanth P; Sokol, Ethan S ES; Albacker, Lee A LA; Killian, Jonathan K JK; Ramkissoon, Shakti H SH; Huang, Richard S P RSP; Severson, Eric A EA; Brown, Charlotte A CA; Danziger, Natalie N; McGregor, Kimberly K; Ross, Jeffrey S JS
Publication Date: 2021-01

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: R671Q
PubMed Link: 33314633
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • CAM4-10-53-s003.xlsx, sheet 1
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Genetic markers and phosphoprotein forms of beta-catenin pβ-Cat552 and pβ-Cat675 are prognostic biomarkers of cervical cancer.

Scholl, Suzy M SM; Beal, Jonas J; de Koning, Leanne L; Girard, Elodie E; Popovic, Marina M; de la Rochefordière, Anne A; Lecuru, Fabrice F; Fourchotte, Virginie V; Ngo, Charlotte C; Floquet, Anne A; Berns, Els Mjj EM; Kenter, Gemma G; Gestraud, Pierre P; von der Leyen, Heiko H; Lecerf, Charlotte C; Puard, Vincent V; Roman, Sergio Roman SR; Latouche, Aurelien A; Kereszt, Attila A; Balint, Balazs B; Rouzier, Roman R; Kamal, Maud M
Publication Date: 2020-11

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 2012G>A; R671Q
PubMed Link: 33096476
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • mmc2.xlsx, sheet 1
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Large-scale targeted sequencing identifies risk genes for neurodevelopmental disorders.

Nature Communications
Wang, Tianyun T; Hoekzema, Kendra K; Vecchio, Davide D; Wu, Huidan H; Sulovari, Arvis A; Coe, Bradley P BP; Gillentine, Madelyn A MA; Wilfert, Amy B AB; Perez-Jurado, Luis A LA; Kvarnung, Malin M; Sleyp, Yoeri Y; Earl, Rachel K RK; Rosenfeld, Jill A JA; Geisheker, Madeleine R MR; Han, Lin L; Du, Bing B; Barnett, Chris C; Thompson, Elizabeth E; Shaw, Marie M; Carroll, Renee R; Friend, Kathryn K; Catford, Rachael R; Palmer, Elizabeth E EE; Zou, Xiaobing X; Ou, Jianjun J; Li, Honghui H; Guo, Hui H; Gerdts, Jennifer J; Avola, Emanuela E; Calabrese, Giuseppe G; Elia, Maurizio M; Greco, Donatella D; Lindstrand, Anna A; Nordgren, Ann A; Anderlid, Britt-Marie BM; Vandeweyer, Geert G; Van Dijck, Anke A; Van der Aa, Nathalie N; McKenna, Brooke B; Hancarova, Miroslava M; Bendova, Sarka S; Havlovicova, Marketa M; Malerba, Giovanni G; Bernardina, Bernardo Dalla BD; Muglia, Pierandrea P; van Haeringen, Arie A; Hoffer, Mariette J V MJV; Franke, Barbara B; Cappuccio, Gerarda G; Delatycki, Martin M; Lockhart, Paul J PJ; Manning, Melanie A MA; Liu, Pengfei P; Scheffer, Ingrid E IE; Brunetti-Pierri, Nicola N; Rommelse, Nanda N; Amaral, David G DG; Santen, Gijs W E GWE; Trabetti, Elisabetta E; Sedláček, Zdeněk Z; Michaelson, Jacob J JJ; Pierce, Karen K; Courchesne, Eric E; Kooy, R Frank RF; , ; Nordenskjöld, Magnus M; Romano, Corrado C; Peeters, Hilde H; Bernier, Raphael A RA; Gecz, Jozef J; Xia, Kun K; Eichler, Evan E EE
Publication Date: 2020-10-01

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 2012G>A; Arg671Gln
PubMed Link: 33004838
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41467_2020_18723_MOESM7_ESM.xlsx, sheet 1
  • 41467_2020_18723_MOESM8_ESM.xlsx, sheet 1
  • 41467_2020_18723_MOESM5_ESM.xlsx, sheet 1
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Identification of pathogenic missense mutations using protein stability predictors.

Scientific Reports
Gerasimavicius, Lukas L; Liu, Xin X; Marsh, Joseph A JA
Publication Date: 2020-09-21

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: R671Q
PubMed Link: 32958805
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41598_2020_72404_MOESM2_ESM.xlsx, sheet 3
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Identification of targeted therapy options for gastric adenocarcinoma by comprehensive analysis of genomic data.

Gastric Cancer : Official Journal Of The International Gastric Cancer Association And The Japanese Gastric Cancer Association
Hescheler, Daniel A DA; Plum, Patrick S PS; Zander, Thomas T; Quaas, Alexander A; Korenkov, Michael M; Gassa, Asmae A; Michel, Maximilian M; Bruns, Christiane J CJ; Alakus, Hakan H
Publication Date: 2020-07

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: R671Q
PubMed Link: 32107691
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 10120_2020_1045_MOESM1_ESM.xlsx, sheet 12
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Finding driver mutations in cancer: Elucidating the role of background mutational processes.

Plos Computational Biology
Brown, Anna-Leigh AL; Li, Minghui M; Goncearenco, Alexander A; Panchenko, Anna R AR
Publication Date: 2019-04

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: R671Q
PubMed Link: 31034466
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • pcbi.1006981.s010.xlsx, sheet 1
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Analysis on GENIE reveals novel recurrent variants that affect molecular diagnosis of sizable number of cancer patients.

Bmc Cancer
Koyama, Takahiko T; Rhrissorrakrai, Kahn K; Parida, Laxmi L
Publication Date: 2019-02-01

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 2012G>A; R671Q
PubMed Link: 30709382
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 12885_2019_5313_MOESM3_ESM.xlsx, sheet 1
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Phase 1 study of the combination of vemurafenib, carboplatin, and paclitaxel in patients with BRAF-mutated melanoma and other advanced malignancies.

Bhatty, Minny M; Kato, Shumei S; Piha-Paul, Sarina A SA; Naing, Aung A; Subbiah, Vivek V; Huang, Helen J HJ; Karp, Daniel D DD; Tsimberidou, Apostolia M AM; Zinner, Ralph G RG; Hwu, Wen-Jen WJ; Javle, Milind M; Patel, Sapna P SP; Hu, Mimi I MI; Varadhachary, Gauri R GR; Conley, Anthony P AP; Ramzanali, Nishma M NM; Holley, Veronica R VR; Kurzrock, Razelle R; Meric-Bernstam, Funda F; Kwang Chae, Young Y; Kim, Kevin B KB; Falchook, Gerald S GS; Janku, Filip F
Publication Date: 2019-02-01

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: R671Q
PubMed Link: 30383888
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
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The prognostic effects of somatic mutations in ER-positive breast cancer.

Nature Communications
Griffith, Obi L OL; Spies, Nicholas C NC; Anurag, Meenakshi M; Griffith, Malachi M; Luo, Jingqin J; Tu, Dongsheng D; Yeo, Belinda B; Kunisaki, Jason J; Miller, Christopher A CA; Krysiak, Kilannin K; Hundal, Jasreet J; Ainscough, Benjamin J BJ; Skidmore, Zachary L ZL; Campbell, Katie K; Kumar, Runjun R; Fronick, Catrina C; Cook, Lisa L; Snider, Jacqueline E JE; Davies, Sherri S; Kavuri, Shyam M SM; Chang, Eric C EC; Magrini, Vincent V; Larson, David E DE; Fulton, Robert S RS; Liu, Shuzhen S; Leung, Samuel S; Voduc, David D; Bose, Ron R; Dowsett, Mitch M; Wilson, Richard K RK; Nielsen, Torsten O TO; Mardis, Elaine R ER; Ellis, Matthew J MJ
Publication Date: 2018-09-04

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: R671Q
PubMed Link: 30181556
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41467_2018_5914_MOESM4_ESM.xlsx, sheet 1
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Machine Learning Detects Pan-cancer Ras Pathway Activation in The Cancer Genome Atlas.

Cell Reports
Way, Gregory P GP; Sanchez-Vega, Francisco F; La, Konnor K; Armenia, Joshua J; Chatila, Walid K WK; Luna, Augustin A; Sander, Chris C; Cherniack, Andrew D AD; Mina, Marco M; Ciriello, Giovanni G; Schultz, Nikolaus N; , ; Sanchez, Yolanda Y; Greene, Casey S CS
Publication Date: 2018-04-03

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 2012G>A
PubMed Link: 29617658
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • NIHMS958974-supplement-5.xlsx, sheet 1
  • NIHMS958974-supplement-6.xlsx, sheet 1
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Genetic variation in human drug-related genes.

Genome Medicine
Schärfe, Charlotta Pauline Irmgard CPI; Tremmel, Roman R; Schwab, Matthias M; Kohlbacher, Oliver O; Marks, Debora Susan DS
Publication Date: 2017-12-22

Variant appearance in text: rs397507485
PubMed Link: 29273096
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 13073_2017_502_MOESM2_ESM.xlsx, sheet 2
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Circulating tumour DNA sequence analysis as an alternative to multiple myeloma bone marrow aspirates.

Nature Communications
Kis, Olena O; Kaedbey, Rayan R; Chow, Signy S; Danesh, Arnavaz A; Dowar, Mark M; Li, Tiantian T; Li, Zhihua Z; Liu, Jessica J; Mansour, Mark M; Masih-Khan, Esther E; Zhang, Tong T; Bratman, Scott V SV; Oza, Amit M AM; Kamel-Reid, Suzanne S; Trudel, Suzanne S; Pugh, Trevor J TJ
Publication Date: 2017-05-11

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: R671Q; rs397507485
PubMed Link: 28492226
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • ncomms15086-s3.xlsx, sheet 1
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The APC/C E3 Ligase Complex Activator FZR1 Restricts BRAF Oncogenic Function.

Cancer Discovery
Wan, Lixin L; Chen, Ming M; Cao, Juxiang J; Dai, Xiangpeng X; Yin, Qing Q; Zhang, Jinfang J; Song, Su-Jung SJ; Lu, Ying Y; Liu, Jing J; Inuzuka, Hiroyuki H; Katon, Jesse M JM; Berry, Kelsey K; Fung, Jacqueline J; Ng, Christopher C; Liu, Pengda P; Song, Min Sup MS; Xue, Lian L; Bronson, Roderick T RT; Kirschner, Marc W MW; Cui, Rutao R; Pandolfi, Pier Paolo PP; Wei, Wenyi W
Publication Date: 2017-04

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: R671Q
PubMed Link: 28174173
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
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Bioinformatics Approach for Prediction of Functional Coding/Noncoding Simple Polymorphisms (SNPs/Indels) in Human BRAF Gene.

Advances In Bioinformatics
Hassan, Mohamed M MM; Omer, Shaza E SE; Khalf-Allah, Rahma M RM; Mustafa, Razaz Y RY; Ali, Isra S IS; Mohamed, Sofia B SB
Publication Date: 2016

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: R671Q; rs397507485
PubMed Link: 27478437
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • ABI2016-2632917.pdf
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A Landscape of Pharmacogenomic Interactions in Cancer.

Iorio, Francesco F; Knijnenburg, Theo A TA; Vis, Daniel J DJ; Bignell, Graham R GR; Menden, Michael P MP; Schubert, Michael M; Aben, Nanne N; Gonçalves, Emanuel E; Barthorpe, Syd S; Lightfoot, Howard H; Cokelaer, Thomas T; Greninger, Patricia P; van Dyk, Ewald E; Chang, Han H; de Silva, Heshani H; Heyn, Holger H; Deng, Xianming X; Egan, Regina K RK; Liu, Qingsong Q; Mironenko, Tatiana T; Mitropoulos, Xeni X; Richardson, Laura L; Wang, Jinhua J; Zhang, Tinghu T; Moran, Sebastian S; Sayols, Sergi S; Soleimani, Maryam M; Tamborero, David D; Lopez-Bigas, Nuria N; Ross-Macdonald, Petra P; Esteller, Manel M; Gray, Nathanael S NS; Haber, Daniel A DA; Stratton, Michael R MR; Benes, Cyril H CH; Wessels, Lodewyk F A LFA; Saez-Rodriguez, Julio J; McDermott, Ultan U; Garnett, Mathew J MJ
Publication Date: 2016-07-28

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 2012G>A; R671Q
PubMed Link: 27397505
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • mmc3.xlsx, sheet 2
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BRAFV600E Mutations in High-Grade Colorectal Neuroendocrine Tumors May Predict Responsiveness to BRAF-MEK Combination Therapy.

Cancer Discovery
Klempner, Samuel J SJ; Gershenhorn, Bruce B; Tran, Phu P; Lee, Thomas K TK; Erlander, Mark G MG; Gowen, Kyle K; Schrock, Alexa B AB; Morosini, Deborah D; Ross, Jeffrey S JS; Miller, Vincent A VA; Stephens, Philip J PJ; Ou, Sai-Hong Ignatius SH; Ali, Siraj M SM
Publication Date: 2016-06

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: R671Q
PubMed Link: 27048246
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
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Phospho-proteomic analyses of B-Raf protein complexes reveal new regulatory principles.

Eisenhardt, Anja E AE; Sprenger, Adrian A; Röring, Michael M; Herr, Ricarda R; Weinberg, Florian F; Köhler, Martin M; Braun, Sandra S; Orth, Joachim J; Diedrich, Britta B; Lanner, Ulrike U; Tscherwinski, Natalja N; Schuster, Simon S; Dumaz, Nicolas N; Schmidt, Enrico E; Baumeister, Ralf R; Schlosser, Andreas A; Dengjel, Jörn J; Brummer, Tilman T
Publication Date: 2016-05-03

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: R671Q
PubMed Link: 27034005
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • oncotarget-07-26628-s007.pdf
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A graph theoretic approach to utilizing protein structure to identify non-random somatic mutations.

Bmc Bioinformatics
Ryslik, Gregory A GA; Cheng, Yuwei Y; Cheung, Kei-Hoi KH; Modis, Yorgo Y; Zhao, Hongyu H
Publication Date: 2014-03-26

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: R671Q
PubMed Link: 24669769
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • 1471-2105-15-86.pdf
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Utilizing protein structure to identify non-random somatic mutations.

Bmc Bioinformatics
Ryslik, Gregory A GA; Cheng, Yuwei Y; Cheung, Kei-Hoi KH; Modis, Yorgo Y; Zhao, Hongyu H
Publication Date: 2013-06-13

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: R671Q
PubMed Link: 23758891
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • 1471-2105-14-190.pdf
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