BRAF c.1861-616G>A

Variant ID: 7-140449834-C-T


This variant was identified in 2 publications

View GRCh38 version.


Whole genome sequencing identifies high-impact variants in well-known pharmacogenomic genes.

The Pharmacogenomics Journal
Choi, Jihoon J; Tantisira, Kelan G KG; Duan, Qing Ling QL
Publication Date: 2019-04

Variant appearance in text: rs10282499
PubMed Link: 30214008
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • NIHMS1503453-supplement-3.xlsx, sheet 1
View BVdb publication page

MITF Modulates Therapeutic Resistance through EGFR Signaling.

The Journal Of Investigative Dermatology
Ji, Zhenyu Z; Erin Chen, Yiyin Y; Kumar, Raj R; Taylor, Michael M; Jenny Njauw, Ching-Ni CN; Miao, Benchun B; Frederick, Dennie T DT; Wargo, Jennifer A JA; Flaherty, Keith T KT; Jönsson, Göran G; Tsao, Hensin H
Publication Date: 2015-07

Variant appearance in text: rs10282499
PubMed Link: 25789707
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • NIHMS670893-supplement-01.pdf
View BVdb publication page