BRAF c.1802A>C ;(p.K601T)

Variant ID: 7-140453133-T-G


This variant was identified in 29 publications

View GRCh38 version.


Whole-exome Sequencing of Nigerian Prostate Tumors from the Prostate Cancer Transatlantic Consortium (CaPTC) Reveals DNA Repair Genes Associated with African Ancestry.

Cancer Research Communications
White, Jason A JA; Kaninjing, Ernest T ET; Adeniji, Kayode A KA; Jibrin, Paul P; Obafunwa, John O JO; Ogo, Chidiebere N CN; Mohammed, Faruk F; Popoola, Ademola A; Fatiregun, Omolara A OA; Oluwole, Olabode P OP; Karanam, Balasubramanyam B; Elhussin, Isra I; Ambs, Stefan S; Tang, Wei W; Davis, Melissa M; Polak, Paz P; Campbell, Moray J MJ; Brignole, Kathryn R KR; Rotimi, Solomon O SO; Dean-Colomb, Windy W; Odedina, Folake T FT; Martin, Damali N DN; Yates, Clayton C
Publication Date: 2022-09

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: K601T; rs397507484
PubMed Link: 36922933
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • crc-22-0136-s01.xlsx, sheet 3
  • crc-22-0136-s01.xlsx, sheet 1
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Integrative pan-cancer genomic and transcriptomic analyses of refractory metastatic cancer.

Cancer Discovery
Pradat, Yoann Y; Viot, Julien J; Yurchenko, Andrey A AA; Gunbin, Konstantin K; Cerbone, Luigi L; Deloger, Marc M; Grisay, Guillaume G; Verlingue, Loic L; Scott, Veronique V; Padioleau, Ismael I; Panunzi, Leonardo L; Michiels, Stefan S; Hollebecque, Antoine A; Jules-Clement, Gerome G; Mezquita, Laura L; Laine, Antoine A; Loriot, Yohann Y; Besse, Benjamin B; Friboulet, Luc L; Andre, Fabrice F; Cournede, Paul-Henry PH; Gautheret, Daniel D; Nikolaev, Sergey I SI
Publication Date: 2023-03-02

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: K601T
PubMed Link: 36862804
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • cd-22-0966_supplementary_tables_s1-s11_suppst1.xlsx, sheet 5
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Network expansion of genetic associations defines a pleiotropy map of human cell biology.

Nature Genetics
Barrio-Hernandez, Inigo I; Schwartzentruber, Jeremy J; Shrivastava, Anjali A; Del-Toro, Noemi N; Gonzalez, Asier A; Zhang, Qian Q; Mountjoy, Edward E; Suveges, Daniel D; Ochoa, David D; Ghoussaini, Maya M; Bradley, Glyn G; Hermjakob, Henning H; Orchard, Sandra S; Dunham, Ian I; Anderson, Carl A CA; Porras, Pablo P; Beltrao, Pedro P
Publication Date: 2023-02-23

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1802A>C; Lys601Thr
PubMed Link: 36823319
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41588_2023_1327_MOESM4_ESM.xlsx, sheet 6
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Tumor-Type Agnostic, Targeted Therapies: BRAF Inhibitors Join the Group.

Acta Medica Academica
Vranic, Semir S; Basu, Gargi D GD; Hall, David W DW; Gatalica, Zoran Z
Publication Date: 2022-12-30

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: K601T
PubMed Link: 36799315
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • AMA-51-217.pdf
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Somatic mutation distribution across tumour cohorts provides a signal for positive selection in cancer.

Nature Communications
Boström, Martin M; Larsson, Erik E
Publication Date: 2022-11-17

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: K601T
PubMed Link: 36396655
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41467_2022_34746_MOESM10_ESM.xlsx, sheet 1
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New Directions in the Therapy of Glioblastoma.

Szklener, Katarzyna K; Mazurek, Marek M; Wieteska, Małgorzata M; Wacławska, Monika M; Bilski, Mateusz M; Mańdziuk, Sławomir S
Publication Date: 2022-10-31

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: K601T
PubMed Link: 36358795
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • cancers-14-05377.pdf
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Utilisation of semiconductor sequencing for the detection of predictive biomarkers in glioblastoma.

Plos One
Williams, Gareth G; Llewelyn, Alexander A; Thatcher, Robert R; Hardisty, Keeda-Marie KM; Loddo, Marco M
Publication Date: 2022

Variant appearance in text: rs397507484
PubMed Link: 35324914
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • pone.0245817.s005.pdf
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BRAF Signaling Inhibition in Glioblastoma: Which Clinical Perspectives?

Frontiers In Oncology
Bouchè, Victoria V; Aldegheri, Giovanni G; Donofrio, Carmine Antonio CA; Fioravanti, Antonio A; Roberts-Thomson, Samuel S; Fox, Stephen B SB; Schettini, Francesco F; Generali, Daniele D
Publication Date: 2021

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: K601T
PubMed Link: 34804975
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • fonc-11-772052.pdf
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Targeted Therapy of Papillary Thyroid Cancer: A Comprehensive Genomic Analysis.

Frontiers In Endocrinology
Hescheler, Daniel A DA; Riemann, Burkhard B; Hartmann, Milan J M MJM; Michel, Maximilian M; Faust, Michael M; Bruns, Christiane J CJ; Alakus, Hakan H; Chiapponi, Costanza C
Publication Date: 2021

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: K601T
PubMed Link: 34630336
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Table_1.xlsx, sheet 2
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High Incidence of C797S Mutation in Patients With Long Treatment History of EGFR Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors Including Osimertinib.

Jto Clinical And Research Reports
Osoegawa, Atsushi A; Yamaguchi, Masafumi M; Nakamura, Tomomi T; Morinaga, Ryotaro R; Tanaka, Kentaro K; Kashiwabara, Kosuke K; Miura, Takashi T; Suetsugu, Takayuki T; Harada, Taishi T; Asoh, Tatsuma T; Taguchi, Kenichi K; Nabeshima, Kazuki K; Kishimoto, Junji J; Sakai, Kazuko K; Nishio, Kazuto K; Sugio, Kenji K
Publication Date: 2021-07

Variant appearance in text: rs397507484
PubMed Link: 34590037
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • mmc1.xlsx, sheet 1
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Improvement of Neoantigen Identification Through Convolution Neural Network.

Frontiers In Immunology
Hao, Qing Q; Wei, Ping P; Shu, Yang Y; Zhang, Yi-Guan YG; Xu, Heng H; Zhao, Jun-Ning JN
Publication Date: 2021

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: K601T
PubMed Link: 34113354
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Table_1.xlsx, sheet 27
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Spatially interacting phosphorylation sites and mutations in cancer.

Nature Communications
Huang, Kuan-Lin KL; Scott, Adam D AD; Zhou, Daniel Cui DC; Wang, Liang-Bo LB; Weerasinghe, Amila A; Elmas, Abdulkadir A; Liu, Ruiyang R; Wu, Yige Y; Wendl, Michael C MC; Wyczalkowski, Matthew A MA; Baral, Jessika J; Sengupta, Sohini S; Lai, Chin-Wen CW; Ruggles, Kelly K; Payne, Samuel H SH; Raphael, Benjamin B; Fenyö, David D; Chen, Ken K; Mills, Gordon G; Ding, Li L
Publication Date: 2021-04-19

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: K601T
PubMed Link: 33875650
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41467_2021_22481_MOESM4_ESM.xlsx, sheet 5
  • 41467_2021_22481_MOESM4_ESM.xlsx, sheet 1
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Emerging BRAF Mutations in Cancer Progression and Their Possible Effects on Transcriptional Networks.

Śmiech, Magdalena M; Leszczyński, Paweł P; Kono, Hidetoshi H; Wardell, Christopher C; Taniguchi, Hiroaki H
Publication Date: 2020-11-12

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: K601T
PubMed Link: 33198372
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • genes-11-01342.pdf
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Usefulness of a novel device to divide core needle biopsy specimens in a spatially matched fashion.

Scientific Reports
Shiraishi, Takumi T; Inui, Shogo S; Inoue, Yuta Y; Saito, Yumiko Y; Taga, Hideto H; Kaneko, Masatomo M; Tsuji, Keisuke K; Ueda, Saya S; Ueda, Takashi T; Matsugasumi, Toru T; Taniguchi, Hidefumi H; Ueno, Akihisa A; Yamada, Takeshi T; Yamada, Yasuhiro Y; Iwata, Tsuyoshi T; Fujihara, Atsuko A; Hongo, Fumiya F; Ukimura, Osamu O
Publication Date: 2020-10-13

Variant appearance in text: rs397507484
PubMed Link: 33051506
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41598_2020_74136_MOESM2_ESM.xlsx, sheet 1
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A Rare Complex BRAF Mutation Involving Codon V600 and K601 in Primary Cutaneous Melanoma: Case Report.

Frontiers In Oncology
Consoli, Francesca F; Barbieri, Gianluca G; Picciolini, Matteo M; Medicina, Daniela D; Bugatti, Mattia M; Tovazzi, Valeria V; Liserre, Barbara B; Zambelli, Claudia C; Zorzi, Fausto F; Berruti, Alfredo A; Giurisato, Emanuele E; Vermi, William W
Publication Date: 2020

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: K601T
PubMed Link: 32754440
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • fonc-10-01056.pdf
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Identification of targeted therapy options for gastric adenocarcinoma by comprehensive analysis of genomic data.

Gastric Cancer : Official Journal Of The International Gastric Cancer Association And The Japanese Gastric Cancer Association
Hescheler, Daniel A DA; Plum, Patrick S PS; Zander, Thomas T; Quaas, Alexander A; Korenkov, Michael M; Gassa, Asmae A; Michel, Maximilian M; Bruns, Christiane J CJ; Alakus, Hakan H
Publication Date: 2020-07

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: K601T
PubMed Link: 32107691
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 10120_2020_1045_MOESM1_ESM.xlsx, sheet 12
  • 10120_2020_1045_MOESM1_ESM.xlsx, sheet 2
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Targeting Oncogenic BRAF: Past, Present, and Future.

Zaman, Aubhishek A; Wu, Wei W; Bivona, Trever G TG
Publication Date: 2019-08-16

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: K601T
PubMed Link: 31426419
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • cancers-11-01197.pdf
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Finding driver mutations in cancer: Elucidating the role of background mutational processes.

Plos Computational Biology
Brown, Anna-Leigh AL; Li, Minghui M; Goncearenco, Alexander A; Panchenko, Anna R AR
Publication Date: 2019-04

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: K601T
PubMed Link: 31034466
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • pcbi.1006981.s010.xlsx, sheet 1
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An integrated genomic analysis of anaplastic meningioma identifies prognostic molecular signatures.

Scientific Reports
Collord, Grace G; Tarpey, Patrick P; Kurbatova, Natalja N; Martincorena, Inigo I; Moran, Sebastian S; Castro, Manuel M; Nagy, Tibor T; Bignell, Graham G; Maura, Francesco F; Young, Matthew D MD; Berna, Jorge J; Tubio, Jose M C JMC; McMurran, Chris E CE; Young, Adam M H AMH; Sanders, Mathijs M; Noorani, Imran I; Price, Stephen J SJ; Watts, Colin C; Leipnitz, Elke E; Kirsch, Matthias M; Schackert, Gabriele G; Pearson, Danita D; Devadass, Abel A; Ram, Zvi Z; Collins, V Peter VP; Allinson, Kieren K; Jenkinson, Michael D MD; Zakaria, Rasheed R; Syed, Khaja K; Hanemann, C Oliver CO; Dunn, Jemma J; McDermott, Michael W MW; Kirollos, Ramez W RW; Vassiliou, George S GS; Esteller, Manel M; Behjati, Sam S; Brazma, Alvis A; Santarius, Thomas T; McDermott, Ultan U
Publication Date: 2018-09-10

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: K601T
PubMed Link: 30202034
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41598_2018_31659_MOESM2_ESM.xlsx, sheet 30
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Integrative omics analyses broaden treatment targets in human cancer.

Genome Medicine
Sengupta, Sohini S; Sun, Sam Q SQ; Huang, Kuan-Lin KL; Oh, Clara C; Bailey, Matthew H MH; Varghese, Rajees R; Wyczalkowski, Matthew A MA; Ning, Jie J; Tripathi, Piyush P; McMichael, Joshua F JF; Johnson, Kimberly J KJ; Kandoth, Cyriac C; Welch, John J; Ma, Cynthia C; Wendl, Michael C MC; Payne, Samuel H SH; Fenyö, David D; Townsend, Reid R RR; Dipersio, John F JF; Chen, Feng F; Ding, Li L
Publication Date: 2018-07-27

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: K601T
PubMed Link: 30053901
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 13073_2018_564_MOESM2_ESM.xlsx, sheet 19
  • 13073_2018_564_MOESM2_ESM.xlsx, sheet 13
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Machine Learning Detects Pan-cancer Ras Pathway Activation in The Cancer Genome Atlas.

Cell Reports
Way, Gregory P GP; Sanchez-Vega, Francisco F; La, Konnor K; Armenia, Joshua J; Chatila, Walid K WK; Luna, Augustin A; Sander, Chris C; Cherniack, Andrew D AD; Mina, Marco M; Ciriello, Giovanni G; Schultz, Nikolaus N; , ; Sanchez, Yolanda Y; Greene, Casey S CS
Publication Date: 2018-04-03

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: Lys601Thr
PubMed Link: 29617658
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • NIHMS958974-supplement-6.xlsx, sheet 1
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Tumours with class 3 BRAF mutants are sensitive to the inhibition of activated RAS.

Yao, Zhan Z; Yaeger, Rona R; Rodrik-Outmezguine, Vanessa S VS; Tao, Anthony A; Torres, Neilawattie M NM; Chang, Matthew T MT; Drosten, Matthias M; Zhao, Huiyong H; Cecchi, Fabiola F; Hembrough, Todd T; Michels, Judith J; Baumert, Hervé H; Miles, Linde L; Campbell, Naomi M NM; de Stanchina, Elisa E; Solit, David B DB; Barbacid, Mariano M; Taylor, Barry S BS; Rosen, Neal N
Publication Date: 2017-08-10

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: K601T
PubMed Link: 28783719
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
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Circulating tumour DNA sequence analysis as an alternative to multiple myeloma bone marrow aspirates.

Nature Communications
Kis, Olena O; Kaedbey, Rayan R; Chow, Signy S; Danesh, Arnavaz A; Dowar, Mark M; Li, Tiantian T; Li, Zhihua Z; Liu, Jessica J; Mansour, Mark M; Masih-Khan, Esther E; Zhang, Tong T; Bratman, Scott V SV; Oza, Amit M AM; Kamel-Reid, Suzanne S; Trudel, Suzanne S; Pugh, Trevor J TJ
Publication Date: 2017-05-11

Variant appearance in text: N/A
PubMed Link: 28492226
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BRaf signaling principles unveiled by large-scale human mutation analysis with a rapid lentivirus-based gene replacement method.

Genes & Development
Lim, Chae-Seok CS; Kang, Xi X; Mirabella, Vincent V; Zhang, Huaye H; Bu, Qian Q; Araki, Yoichi Y; Hoang, Elizabeth T ET; Wang, Shiqiang S; Shen, Ying Y; Choi, Sukwoo S; Kaang, Bong-Kiun BK; Chang, Qiang Q; Pang, Zhiping P ZP; Huganir, Richard L RL; Zhu, J Julius JJ
Publication Date: 2017-03-15

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: K601T
PubMed Link: 28404629
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • supp_31.6.537_Supplemental_Materials.pdf
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Genome-wide chemical mutagenesis screens allow unbiased saturation of the cancer genome and identification of drug resistance mutations.

Genome Research
Brammeld, Jonathan S JS; Petljak, Mia M; Martincorena, Inigo I; Williams, Steven P SP; Alonso, Luz Garcia LG; Dalmases, Alba A; Bellosillo, Beatriz B; Robles-Espinoza, Carla Daniela CD; Price, Stacey S; Barthorpe, Syd S; Tarpey, Patrick P; Alifrangis, Constantine C; Bignell, Graham G; Vidal, Joana J; Young, Jamie J; Stebbings, Lucy L; Beal, Kathryn K; Stratton, Michael R MR; Saez-Rodriguez, Julio J; Garnett, Mathew M; Montagut, Clara C; Iorio, Francesco F; McDermott, Ultan U
Publication Date: 2017-04

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1802A>C; K601T
PubMed Link: 28179366
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • supp_gr.213546.116_Supplemental_Table_S7.xlsx, sheet 1
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BRAF Mutants Evade ERK-Dependent Feedback by Different Mechanisms that Determine Their Sensitivity to Pharmacologic Inhibition.

Cancer Cell
Yao, Zhan Z; Torres, Neilawattie M NM; Tao, Anthony A; Gao, Yijun Y; Luo, Lusong L; Li, Qi Q; de Stanchina, Elisa E; Abdel-Wahab, Omar O; Solit, David B DB; Poulikakos, Poulikos I PI; Rosen, Neal N
Publication Date: 2015-09-14

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: K601T
PubMed Link: 26343582
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
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Molecular spectrum of BRAF, NRAS and KRAS gene mutations in plasma cell dyscrasias: implication for MEK-ERK pathway activation.

Lionetti, Marta M; Barbieri, Marzia M; Todoerti, Katia K; Agnelli, Luca L; Marzorati, Simona S; Fabris, Sonia S; Ciceri, Gabriella G; Galletti, Serena S; Milesi, Giulia G; Manzoni, Martina M; Mazzoni, Mara M; Greco, Angela A; Tonon, Giovanni G; Musto, Pellegrino P; Baldini, Luca L; Neri, Antonino A
Publication Date: 2015-09-15

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: K601T
PubMed Link: 26090869
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • oncotarget-06-24205-s001.pdf
  • oncotarget-06-24205.pdf
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Age-related mutations associated with clonal hematopoietic expansion and malignancies.

Nature Medicine
Xie, Mingchao M; Lu, Charles C; Wang, Jiayin J; McLellan, Michael D MD; Johnson, Kimberly J KJ; Wendl, Michael C MC; McMichael, Joshua F JF; Schmidt, Heather K HK; Yellapantula, Venkata V; Miller, Christopher A CA; Ozenberger, Bradley A BA; Welch, John S JS; Link, Daniel C DC; Walter, Matthew J MJ; Mardis, Elaine R ER; Dipersio, John F JF; Chen, Feng F; Wilson, Richard K RK; Ley, Timothy J TJ; Ding, Li L
Publication Date: 2014-12

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: K601T
PubMed Link: 25326804
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • NIHMS630249-supplement-5.xlsx, sheet 1
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Beyond BRAF(V600): clinical mutation panel testing by next-generation sequencing in advanced melanoma.

The Journal Of Investigative Dermatology
Siroy, Alan E AE; Boland, Genevieve M GM; Milton, Denái R DR; Roszik, Jason J; Frankian, Silva S; Malke, Jared J; Haydu, Lauren L; Prieto, Victor G VG; Tetzlaff, Michael M; Ivan, Doina D; Wang, Wei-Lien WL; Torres-Cabala, Carlos C; Curry, Jonathan J; Roy-Chowdhuri, Sinchita S; Broaddus, Russell R; Rashid, Asif A; Stewart, John J; Gershenwald, Jeffrey E JE; Amaria, Rodabe N RN; Patel, Sapna P SP; Papadopoulos, Nicholas E NE; Bedikian, Agop A; Hwu, Wen-Jen WJ; Hwu, Patrick P; Diab, Adi A; Woodman, Scott E SE; Aldape, Kenneth D KD; Luthra, Rajyalakshmi R; Patel, Keyur P KP; Shaw, Kenna R KR; Mills, Gordon B GB; Mendelsohn, John J; Meric-Bernstam, Funda F; Kim, Kevin B KB; Routbort, Mark J MJ; Lazar, Alexander J AJ; Davies, Michael A MA
Publication Date: 2015-02

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1802A>C; K601T
PubMed Link: 25148578
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • NIHMS622327-supplement-supplement_1.pdf
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