BRAF c.1799T>G ;(p.V600G)

Variant ID: 7-140453136-A-C


This variant was identified in 161 publications

View GRCh38 version.


Cutaneous Melanoma and Glioblastoma Multiforme Association-Case Presentation and Literature Review.

Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland)
Orzan, Olguța Anca OA; Giurcăneanu, Călin C; Dima, Bogdan B; Dima, Monica Beatrice MB; Ion, Ana A; Bălăceanu, Beatrice B; Nițipir, Cornelia C; Tudose, Irina I; Nicolae, Cătălina Andreea CA; Dorobanțu, Alexandra Maria AM
Publication Date: 2023-03-09

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 36980355
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • diagnostics-13-01046.pdf
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Whole-exome Sequencing of Nigerian Prostate Tumors from the Prostate Cancer Transatlantic Consortium (CaPTC) Reveals DNA Repair Genes Associated with African Ancestry.

Cancer Research Communications
White, Jason A JA; Kaninjing, Ernest T ET; Adeniji, Kayode A KA; Jibrin, Paul P; Obafunwa, John O JO; Ogo, Chidiebere N CN; Mohammed, Faruk F; Popoola, Ademola A; Fatiregun, Omolara A OA; Oluwole, Olabode P OP; Karanam, Balasubramanyam B; Elhussin, Isra I; Ambs, Stefan S; Tang, Wei W; Davis, Melissa M; Polak, Paz P; Campbell, Moray J MJ; Brignole, Kathryn R KR; Rotimi, Solomon O SO; Dean-Colomb, Windy W; Odedina, Folake T FT; Martin, Damali N DN; Yates, Clayton C
Publication Date: 2022-09

Variant appearance in text: rs113488022
PubMed Link: 36922933
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • crc-22-0136-s01.xlsx, sheet 1
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Recapitulating thyroid cancer histotypes through engineering embryonic stem cells.

Nature Communications
Veschi, Veronica V; Turdo, Alice A; Modica, Chiara C; Verona, Francesco F; Di Franco, Simone S; Gaggianesi, Miriam M; Tirrò, Elena E; Di Bella, Sebastiano S; Iacono, Melania Lo ML; Pantina, Vincenzo Davide VD; Porcelli, Gaetana G; Mangiapane, Laura Rosa LR; Bianca, Paola P; Rizzo, Aroldo A; Sciacca, Elisabetta E; Pillitteri, Irene I; Vella, Veronica V; Belfiore, Antonino A; Bongiorno, Maria Rita MR; Pistone, Giuseppe G; Memeo, Lorenzo L; Colarossi, Lorenzo L; Giuffrida, Dario D; Colarossi, Cristina C; Vigneri, Paolo P; Todaro, Matilde M; Stassi, Giorgio G
Publication Date: 2023-03-11

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 36906579
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41467_2023_36922_MOESM4_ESM.xls, sheet 2
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High-risk multiple myeloma predicted by circulating plasma cells and its genetic characteristics.

Frontiers In Oncology
Xia, Yuan Y; Shen, Na N; Zhang, Run R; Wu, Yujie Y; Shi, Qinglin Q; Li, Jianyong J; Chen, Lijuan L; Xu, Min M; Jin, Yuanyuan Y
Publication Date: 2023

Variant appearance in text: rs113488022
PubMed Link: 36845679
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Table_1.xlsx, sheet 2
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EANO guideline on rational molecular testing of gliomas, glioneuronal and neuronal tumors in adults for targeted therapy selection.

Capper, David D; Reifenberger, Guido G; French, Pim J PJ; Schweizer, Leonille L; Weller, Michael M; Touat, Mehdi M; Niclou, Simone P SP; Euskirchen, Philipp P; Haberler, Christine C; Hegi, Monika E ME; Brandner, Sebastian S; Le Rhun, Emilie E; Rudà, Roberta R; Sanson, Marc M; Tabatabai, Ghazaleh G; Sahm, Felix F; Wen, Patrick Y PY; Wesseling, Pieter P; Preusser, Matthias M; van den Bent, Martin J MJ
Publication Date: 2023-01-12

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 36632791
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • noad008_suppl_supplementary_material.pdf
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WNT5A-ROR2 axis mediates VEGF dependence of BRAF mutant melanoma.

Cellular Oncology (Dordrecht)
Coupe, Nicholas N; Guo, Lina L; Bridges, Esther E; Campo, Leticia L; Espinosa, Olivia O; Colling, Richard R; Marshall, Andrea A; Nandakumar, Ashwin A; van Stiphout, Ruud R; Buffa, Francesca M FM; Corrie, Pippa G PG; Middleton, Mark R MR; Macaulay, Valentine M VM
Publication Date: 2022-12-21

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 36539575
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
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Somatic mutation distribution across tumour cohorts provides a signal for positive selection in cancer.

Nature Communications
Boström, Martin M; Larsson, Erik E
Publication Date: 2022-11-17

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 36396655
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41467_2022_34746_MOESM10_ESM.xlsx, sheet 1
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Genomic landscape of the immunogenicity regulation in skin melanomas with diverse tumor mutation burden.

Frontiers In Immunology
Georgoulias, George G; Zaravinos, Apostolos A
Publication Date: 2022

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 36389735
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Table_7.xlsx, sheet 8
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A comprehensive next generation sequencing tissue assay for Asian-prevalent cancers-Analytical validation and performance evaluation with clinical samples.

Frontiers In Molecular Biosciences
Ng, Cedric Chuan-Young CC; Lim, Sandy S; Lim, Abner Herbert AH; Md Nasir, Nur Diyana ND; Zhang, Jingxian J; Rajasegaran, Vikneswari V; Lee, Jing Yi JY; Kok, Jessica Sook Ting JST; Thike, Aye Aye AA; Lim, Johnathan Xiande JX; Weng, Ruifen R; Yee, Sidney S; Choudhury, Yukti Y; Chan, Jason Yongsheng JY; Tan, Puay Hoon PH; Tan, Min-Han MH; Teh, Bin Tean BT
Publication Date: 2022

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 36213130
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • DataSheet1.xlsx, sheet 11
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Genomic Landscape of RTK/RAS Pathway and Tumor Immune Infiltration as Prognostic Indicator of Lung Adenocarcinoma.

Frontiers In Oncology
Yin, Xiang-Qian XQ; Yin, Xue-Hui XH; Yu, Ya-Qin YQ; Xu, Lang L; Zhang, Mao M
Publication Date: 2022

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1799T>G; V600G
PubMed Link: 35936718
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Table_4.xlsx, sheet 2
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Spectrum of BRAF Aberrations and Its Potential Clinical Implications: Insights From Integrative Pan-Cancer Analysis.

Frontiers In Bioengineering And Biotechnology
Yi, Qiaoli Q; Peng, Jinwu J; Xu, Zhijie Z; Liang, Qiuju Q; Cai, Yuan Y; Peng, Bi B; He, Qingchun Q; Yan, Yuanliang Y
Publication Date: 2022

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 35910024
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • fbioe-10-806851.pdf
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Genome-wide analyses of 200,453 individuals yield new insights into the causes and consequences of clonal hematopoiesis.

Nature Genetics
Kar, Siddhartha P SP; Quiros, Pedro M PM; Gu, Muxin M; Jiang, Tao T; Mitchell, Jonathan J; Langdon, Ryan R; Iyer, Vivek V; Barcena, Clea C; Vijayabaskar, M S MS; Fabre, Margarete A MA; Carter, Paul P; Petrovski, Slavé S; Burgess, Stephen S; Vassiliou, George S GS
Publication Date: 2022-08

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 35835912
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41588_2022_1121_MOESM3_ESM.xlsx, sheet 3
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Characteristics of and Treatment Strategies for Advanced EGFR-Mutant NSCLC With Concomitant BRAF Variations.

Jto Clinical And Research Reports
Wei, Xue-Wu XW; Deng, Jia-Yi JY; Xu, Chong-Rui CR; Chen, Zhi-Hong ZH; Zhu, Dong-Qin DQ; Wu, Qian Q; Zhang, Xu-Chao XC; Wu, Yi-Long YL; Zhou, Qing Q
Publication Date: 2022-07

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 35789792
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • mmc3.xlsx, sheet 1
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The genetic heterogeneity and drug resistance mechanisms of relapsed refractory multiple myeloma.

Nature Communications
Vo, Josh N JN; Wu, Yi-Mi YM; Mishler, Jeanmarie J; Hall, Sarah S; Mannan, Rahul R; Wang, Lisha L; Ning, Yu Y; Zhou, Jin J; Hopkins, Alexander C AC; Estill, James C JC; Chan, Wallace K B WKB; Yesil, Jennifer J; Cao, Xuhong X; Rao, Arvind A; Tsodikov, Alexander A; Talpaz, Moshe M; Cole, Craig E CE; Ye, Jing C JC; , ; Bergsagel, P Leif PL; Auclair, Daniel D; Cho, Hearn Jay HJ; Robinson, Dan R DR; Chinnaiyan, Arul M AM
Publication Date: 2022-06-29

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1799T>G; Val600Gly; rs113488022
PubMed Link: 35768438
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41467_2022_31430_MOESM4_ESM.xlsx, sheet 1
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Pharmacogenetics of anticancer monoclonal antibodies.

Cancer Drug Resistance (Alhambra, Calif.)
Shek, Dmitrii D; Read, Scott A SA; Ahlenstiel, Golo G; Piatkov, Irina I
Publication Date: 2019

Variant appearance in text: rs113488022
PubMed Link: 35582142
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • cdr-2-69.pdf
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Author Correction: Integrative molecular and clinical profiling of acral melanoma links focal amplification of 22q11.21 to metastasis.

Nature Communications
Farshidfar, Farshad F; Rhrissorrakrai, Kahn K; Levovitz, Chaya C; Peng, Cong C; Knight, James J; Bacchiocchi, Antonella A; Su, Juan J; Yin, Mingzhu M; Sznol, Mario M; Ariyan, Stephan S; Clune, James J; Olino, Kelly K; Parida, Laxmi L; Nikolaus, Joerg J; Zhang, Meiling M; Zhao, Shuang S; Wang, Yan Y; Huang, Gang G; Wan, Miaojian M; Li, Xianan X; Cao, Jian J; Yan, Qin Q; Chen, Xiang X; Newman, Aaron M AM; Halaban, Ruth R
Publication Date: 2022-05-10

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 35538087
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41467_2022_30446_MOESM1_ESM.xlsx, sheet 3
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Myeloma Genome Project Panel is a Comprehensive Targeted Genomics Panel for Molecular Profiling of Patients with Multiple Myeloma.

Clinical Cancer Research : An Official Journal Of The American Association For Cancer Research
Sudha, Parvathi P; Ahsan, Aarif A; Ashby, Cody C; Kausar, Tasneem T; Khera, Akhil A; Kazeroun, Mohammad H MH; Hsu, Chih-Chao CC; Wang, Lin L; Fitzsimons, Evelyn E; Salminen, Outi O; Blaney, Patrick P; Czader, Magdalena M; Williams, Jonathan J; Abu Zaid, Mohammad I MI; Ansari-Pour, Naser N; Yong, Kwee L KL; van Rhee, Frits F; Pierceall, William E WE; Morgan, Gareth J GJ; Flynt, Erin E; Gooding, Sarah S; Abonour, Rafat R; Ramasamy, Karthik K; Thakurta, Anjan A; Walker, Brian A BA
Publication Date: 2022-07-01

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 35522533
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • ccr-21-3695_supplementary_table_ts4_suppts4.pdf
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Characterization of the treatment-naive immune microenvironment in melanoma with BRAF mutation.

Journal For Immunotherapy Of Cancer
Wang, Minyu M; Zadeh, Soroor S; Pizzolla, Angela A; Thia, Kevin K; Gyorki, David E DE; McArthur, Grant A GA; Scolyer, Richard A RA; Long, Georgina G; Wilmott, James S JS; Andrews, Miles C MC; Au-Yeung, George G; Weppler, Ali A; Sandhu, Shahneen S; Trapani, Joseph A JA; Davis, Melissa J MJ; Neeson, Paul Joseph PJ
Publication Date: 2022-04

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 35383113
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • jitc-2021-004095.pdf
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Targeted Therapy for Melanomas Without BRAF V600 Mutations.

Current Treatment Options In Oncology
Menzer, Christian C; Hassel, Jessica C JC
Publication Date: 2022-06

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 35380338
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • 11864_2022_Article_946.pdf
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The GA4GH Variation Representation Specification: A computational framework for variation representation and federated identification.

Cell Genomics
Wagner, Alex H AH; Babb, Lawrence L; Alterovitz, Gil G; Baudis, Michael M; Brush, Matthew M; Cameron, Daniel L DL; Cline, Melissa M; Griffith, Malachi M; Griffith, Obi L OL; Hunt, Sarah E SE; Kreda, David D; Lee, Jennifer M JM; Li, Stephanie S; Lopez, Javier J; Moyer, Eric E; Nelson, Tristan T; Patel, Ronak Y RY; Riehle, Kevin K; Robinson, Peter N PN; Rynearson, Shawn S; Schuilenburg, Helen H; Tsukanov, Kirill K; Walsh, Brian B; Konopko, Melissa M; Rehm, Heidi L HL; Yates, Andrew D AD; Freimuth, Robert R RR; Hart, Reece K RK
Publication Date: 2021-11-10

Variant appearance in text: rs113488022
PubMed Link: 35311178
Variant Present in the following documents:
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  • nihms-1759411.pdf
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Circulating Tumor DNA-Based Genotyping and Monitoring for Predicting Disease Relapses of Patients with Peripheral T-Cell Lymphomas.

Cancer Research And Treatment
Kim, Seok Jin SJ; Kim, Yeon Jeong YJ; Yoon, Sang Eun SE; Ryu, Kyung Ju KJ; Park, Bon B; Park, Donghyun D; Cho, Duck D; Kim, Hyun-Young HY; Cho, Junhun J; Ko, Young Hyeh YH; Park, Woong-Yang WY; Kim, Won Seog WS
Publication Date: 2022-03-02

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 35240014
Variant Present in the following documents:
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  • crt-2022-017.pdf
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Systematic review and meta-analysis of genomic alterations in acral melanoma.

Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research
Broit, Natasa N; Johansson, Peter A PA; Rodgers, Chloe B CB; Walpole, Sebastian T ST; Hayward, Nicholas K NK; Pritchard, Antonia L AL
Publication Date: 2022-05

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 35229492
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • PCMR-35-369-s003.xlsx, sheet 12
  • PCMR-35-369-s003.xlsx, sheet 6
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The Molecular Tumor Board Portal supports clinical decisions and automated reporting for precision oncology.

Nature Cancer
Tamborero, David D; Dienstmann, Rodrigo R; Rachid, Maan Haj MH; Boekel, Jorrit J; Lopez-Fernandez, Adria A; Jonsson, Markus M; Razzak, Ali A; Braña, Irene I; De Petris, Luigi L; Yachnin, Jeffrey J; Baird, Richard D RD; Loriot, Yohann Y; Massard, Christophe C; Martin-Romano, Patricia P; Opdam, Frans F; Schlenk, Richard F RF; Vernieri, Claudio C; Masucci, Michele M; Villalobos, Xenia X; Chavarria, Elena E; , ; Balmaña, Judith J; Apolone, Giovanni G; Caldas, Carlos C; Bergh, Jonas J; Ernberg, Ingemar I; Fröhling, Stefan S; Garralda, Elena E; Karlsson, Claes C; Tabernero, Josep J; Voest, Emile E; Rodon, Jordi J; Lehtiö, Janne J
Publication Date: 2022-02

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: Val600Gly
PubMed Link: 35221333
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 43018_2022_332_MOESM3_ESM.xlsx, sheet 1
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Integrative molecular and clinical profiling of acral melanoma links focal amplification of 22q11.21 to metastasis.

Nature Communications
Farshidfar, Farshad F; Rhrissorrakrai, Kahn K; Levovitz, Chaya C; Peng, Cong C; Knight, James J; Bacchiocchi, Antonella A; Su, Juan J; Yin, Mingzhu M; Sznol, Mario M; Ariyan, Stephan S; Clune, James J; Olino, Kelly K; Parida, Laxmi L; Nikolaus, Joerg J; Zhang, Meiling M; Zhao, Shuang S; Wang, Yan Y; Huang, Gang G; Wan, Miaojian M; Li, Xianan X; Cao, Jian J; Yan, Qin Q; Chen, Xiang X; Newman, Aaron M AM; Halaban, Ruth R
Publication Date: 2022-02-23

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 35197475
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41467_2022_28566_MOESM5_ESM.xlsx, sheet 3
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The earliest events in BRAF-mutant colorectal cancer: exome sequencing of sessile serrated lesions with a tiny focus dysplasia or cancer reveals recurring mutations in two distinct progression pathways.

The Journal Of Pathology
Bleijenberg, Arne Gc AG; IJspeert, Joep Eg JE; Mulder, Jos Bg JB; Drillenburg, Paul P; Stel, Herbert V HV; Lodder, Elisabeth M EM; Carvalho, Beatriz B; Jansen, Jade J; Meijer, Gerrit G; van Eeden, Susanne S; Dekker, Evelien E; van Noesel, Carel Jm CJ
Publication Date: 2022-06

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 35143042
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • PATH-257-239.pdf
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Mutational landscape of circulating tumor DNA identifies distinct molecular features associated with therapeutic response in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer.

Therapeutic Advances In Medical Oncology
Shi, Min M; Yuan, Hong H; Ji, Jun J; Zhang, Shouwei S; Li, Qingyuan Q; Chen, Yawei Y; Gong, Xiaoli X; Zhu, Zhenggang Z; Zhang, Jun J
Publication Date: 2022

Variant appearance in text: rs113488022
PubMed Link: 35096147
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • sj-xls-4-tam-10.1177_17588359211070643.xls, sheet 1
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Analysis of genetic variants in myeloproliferative neoplasms using a 22-gene next-generation sequencing panel.

Bmc Medical Genomics
Tan, Jaymi J; Chow, Yock Ping YP; Zainul Abidin, Norziha N; Chang, Kian Meng KM; Selvaratnam, Veena V; Tumian, Nor Rafeah NR; Poh, Yang Ming YM; Veerakumarasivam, Abhi A; Laffan, Michael Arthur MA; Wong, Chieh Lee CL
Publication Date: 2022-01-15

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 35033063
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 12920_2021_1145_MOESM3_ESM.pdf
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Analysis of genetic variants in myeloproliferative neoplasms using a 22-gene next-generation sequencing panel.

Bmc Medical Genomics
Tan, Jaymi J; Chow, Yock Ping YP; Zainul Abidin, Norziha N; Chang, Kian Meng KM; Selvaratnam, Veena V; Tumian, Nor Rafeah NR; Poh, Yang Ming YM; Veerakumarasivam, Abhi A; Laffan, Michael Arthur MA; Wong, Chieh Lee CL
Publication Date: 2022-01-15

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 35033063
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 12920_2021_1145_MOESM3_ESM.pdf
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Preliminary Study on the Relationship of BRAF Mutations with the Outcome of the First 131I Radiotherapy and Malignant Biological Characteristics in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma.

International Journal Of General Medicine
Shangguan, Linjue L; Zhang, Peipei P; Fang, Shengwei S; Xiang, Kaili K; Geng, Yawen Y; Luo, Dingcun D; Zhao, Chunlei C
Publication Date: 2021

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 34876836
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • ijgm-14-8981.pdf
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Prevalence of BRAFV600 in glioma and use of BRAF Inhibitors in patients with BRAFV600 mutation-positive glioma: systematic review.

Andrews, Lily J LJ; Thornton, Zak A ZA; Saincher, Saanwalshah S SS; Yao, Ian Y IY; Dawson, Sarah S; McGuinness, Luke A LA; Jones, Hayley E HE; Jefferies, Sarah S; Short, Susan C SC; Cheng, Hung-Yuan HY; McAleenan, Alexandra A; Higgins, Julian P T JPT; Kurian, Kathreena M KM
Publication Date: 2022-04-01

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 34718782
Variant Present in the following documents:
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  • noab247.pdf
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MicroRNA Isoforms Contribution to Melanoma Pathogenesis.

Non-Coding Rna
Broseghini, Elisabetta E; Dika, Emi E; Londin, Eric E; Ferracin, Manuela M
Publication Date: 2021-09-27

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 34698264
Variant Present in the following documents:
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Potential benefit of treatment with MEK inhibitors and chemotherapy in BRAF-mutated KRAS wild-type pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma patients: a case report.

Cold Spring Harbor Molecular Case Studies
Ardalan, Bach B; Azqueta, Jose Ignacio JI; England, Jonathan J; Eatz, Tiffany Alyssa TA
Publication Date: 2021-10

Variant appearance in text: rs113488022
PubMed Link: 34667063
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The retrospective molecular analysis of large or giant congenital melanocytic nevi in a group of Polish children.

Journal Of Mother And Child
Wertheim-Tysarowska, Katarzyna K; Szczygielski, Orest O; Seliga, Katarzyna K; Tysarowski, Andrzej A; Bal, Jerzy J; Michalak, Elżbieta E; Rygiel, Agnieszka Magdalena AM; Sawicka, Ewa E
Publication Date: 2021-10-11

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1799T>G; Val600Gly
PubMed Link: 34643354
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • jmotherandchild-25-019.pdf
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CD44v6 Defines a New Population of Circulating Tumor Cells Not Expressing EpCAM.

Belthier, Guillaume G; Homayed, Zeinab Z; Grillet, Fanny F; Duperray, Christophe C; Vendrell, Julie J; Krol, Ilona I; Bravo, Sophie S; Boyer, Jean-Christophe JC; Villeronce, Olivia O; Vitre-Boubaker, Jihane J; Heaug-Wane, Diana D; Macari-Fine, Françoise F; Smith, Jai J; Merlot, Matthieu M; Lossaint, Gérald G; Mazard, Thibault T; Portales, Fabienne F; Solassol, Jérôme J; Ychou, Marc M; Aceto, Nicola N; Mamessier, Emilie E; Bertucci, François F; Pascussi, Jean Marc JM; Samalin, Emmanuelle E; Hollande, Frédéric F; Pannequin, Julie J
Publication Date: 2021-10-02

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 34638450
Variant Present in the following documents:
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  • cancers-13-04966.pdf
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Targeted Therapy of Papillary Thyroid Cancer: A Comprehensive Genomic Analysis.

Frontiers In Endocrinology
Hescheler, Daniel A DA; Riemann, Burkhard B; Hartmann, Milan J M MJM; Michel, Maximilian M; Faust, Michael M; Bruns, Christiane J CJ; Alakus, Hakan H; Chiapponi, Costanza C
Publication Date: 2021

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 34630336
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Table_1.xlsx, sheet 2
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Improvement of Neoantigen Identification Through Convolution Neural Network.

Frontiers In Immunology
Hao, Qing Q; Wei, Ping P; Shu, Yang Y; Zhang, Yi-Guan YG; Xu, Heng H; Zhao, Jun-Ning JN
Publication Date: 2021

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 34113354
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Table_1.xlsx, sheet 26
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Circulating Tumor DNA Analyses Predict Disease Recurrence in Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer.

Frontiers In Oncology
Zhang, Jinghua J; Dai, Daofeng D; Tian, Junqiang J; Li, Lifeng L; Bai, Jing J; Xu, Yaping Y; Wang, Zhiping Z; Tang, Aifa A
Publication Date: 2021

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1799T>G; V600G
PubMed Link: 33996580
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Table_1.xlsx, sheet 1
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BRAF p.V600E associated poly-neoplastic syndrome.

Rare Tumors
Alhaj Moustafa, Muhamad M; Jiang, Liuyan L; Kuhlman, Justin J JJ; Jones, Jeremy J; Lou, Yanyan Y; Sokumbi, Olayemi O; Tun, Han W HW
Publication Date: 2021

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 33995981
Variant Present in the following documents:
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Spatially interacting phosphorylation sites and mutations in cancer.

Nature Communications
Huang, Kuan-Lin KL; Scott, Adam D AD; Zhou, Daniel Cui DC; Wang, Liang-Bo LB; Weerasinghe, Amila A; Elmas, Abdulkadir A; Liu, Ruiyang R; Wu, Yige Y; Wendl, Michael C MC; Wyczalkowski, Matthew A MA; Baral, Jessika J; Sengupta, Sohini S; Lai, Chin-Wen CW; Ruggles, Kelly K; Payne, Samuel H SH; Raphael, Benjamin B; Fenyö, David D; Chen, Ken K; Mills, Gordon G; Ding, Li L
Publication Date: 2021-04-19

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 33875650
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41467_2021_22481_MOESM4_ESM.xlsx, sheet 5
  • 41467_2021_22481_MOESM4_ESM.xlsx, sheet 1
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BRAF Gene and Melanoma: Back to the Future.

International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
Ottaviano, Margaret M; Giunta, Emilio Francesco EF; Tortora, Marianna M; Curvietto, Marcello M; Attademo, Laura L; Bosso, Davide D; Cardalesi, Cinzia C; Rosanova, Mario M; De Placido, Pietro P; Pietroluongo, Erica E; Riccio, Vittorio V; Mucci, Brigitta B; Parola, Sara S; Vitale, Maria Grazia MG; Palmieri, Giovannella G; Daniele, Bruno B; Simeone, Ester E; On Behalf Of Scito Youth,
Publication Date: 2021-03-27

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 33801689
Variant Present in the following documents:
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  • ijms-22-03474.pdf
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Establishment and genomic characterization of a sporadic malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor cell line.

Scientific Reports
Longo, Jody Fromm JF; Brosius, Stephanie N SN; Znoyko, Iya I; Alers, Victoria A VA; Jenkins, Dorea P DP; Wilson, Robert C RC; Carroll, Andrew J AJ; Wolff, Daynna J DJ; Roth, Kevin A KA; Carroll, Steven L SL
Publication Date: 2021-03-11

Variant appearance in text: rs113488022
PubMed Link: 33707600
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Mutation profile and immunoscore signature in thymic carcinomas: An exploratory study and review of the literature.

Thoracic Cancer
Asselta, Rosanna R; Di Tommaso, Luca L; Perrino, Matteo M; Destro, Annarita A; Giordano, Laura L; Cardamone, Giulia G; Rubino, Luca L; Santoro, Armando A; Duga, Stefano S; Zucali, Paolo Andrea PA
Publication Date: 2021-05

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1799T>G; V600G
PubMed Link: 33704917
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • TCA-12-1271-s003.xls, sheet 1
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Ultraviolet radiation drives mutations in a subset of mucosal melanomas.

Nature Communications
Mundra, Piyushkumar A PA; Dhomen, Nathalie N; Rodrigues, Manuel M; Mikkelsen, Lauge Hjorth LH; Cassoux, Nathalie N; Brooks, Kelly K; Valpione, Sara S; Reis-Filho, Jorge S JS; Heegaard, Steffen S; Stern, Marc-Henri MH; Roman-Roman, Sergio S; Marais, Richard R
Publication Date: 2021-01-11

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 33431815
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Molecular profiling of the colon cancer in South-Eastern Romania: Results from the MERCUR study.

Popescu, Razvan Catalin RC; Tocia, Cristina C; Brînzan, Costel C; Cozaru, Georgeta Camelia GC; Deacu, Mariana M; Dumitru, Andrei A; Leopa, Nicoleta N; Mitroi, Anca Florentina AF; Nicolau, Anca A; Dumitru, Eugen E
Publication Date: 2021-01-08

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 33429770
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  • medi-100-e24062.pdf
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MicroRNA Deregulation in Papillary Thyroid Cancer and its Relationship With BRAF V600E Mutation.

In Vivo (Athens, Greece)
Celakovsky, Petr P; Kovarikova, Helena H; Chrobok, Viktor V; Mejzlik, Jan J; Laco, Jan J; Vosmikova, Hana H; Chmelarova, Marcela M; Ryska, Ales A
Publication Date: 2021

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 33402480
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IDH-wildtype lower-grade diffuse gliomas: the importance of histological grade and molecular assessment for prognostic stratification.

Berzero, Giulia G; Di Stefano, Anna Luisa AL; Ronchi, Susanna S; Bielle, Franck F; Villa, Chiara C; Guillerm, Erell E; Capelle, Laurent L; Mathon, Bertrand B; Laurenge, Alice A; Giry, Marine M; Schmitt, Yohann Y; Marie, Yannick Y; Idbaih, Ahmed A; Hoang-Xuan, Khe K; Delattre, Jean-Yves JY; Mokhtari, Karima K; Sanson, Marc M
Publication Date: 2021-06-01

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 33173941
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The Immunogenic Potential of Recurrent Cancer Drug Resistance Mutations: An In Silico Study.

Frontiers In Immunology
Punta, Marco M; Jennings, Victoria A VA; Melcher, Alan A AA; Lise, Stefano S
Publication Date: 2020

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 33133066
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  • Table_6.xlsx, sheet 2
  • Table_1.xlsx, sheet 2
  • Table_6.xlsx, sheet 7
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Arthralgia Induced by BRAF Inhibitor Therapy in Melanoma Patients.

Salzmann, Martin M; Benesova, Karolina K; Buder-Bakhaya, Kristina K; Papamichail, Dimitrios D; Dimitrakopoulou-Strauss, Antonia A; Lorenz, Hanns-Martin HM; Enk, Alexander H AH; Hassel, Jessica C JC
Publication Date: 2020-10-16

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 33081201
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  • cancers-12-03004.pdf
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Usefulness of a novel device to divide core needle biopsy specimens in a spatially matched fashion.

Scientific Reports
Shiraishi, Takumi T; Inui, Shogo S; Inoue, Yuta Y; Saito, Yumiko Y; Taga, Hideto H; Kaneko, Masatomo M; Tsuji, Keisuke K; Ueda, Saya S; Ueda, Takashi T; Matsugasumi, Toru T; Taniguchi, Hidefumi H; Ueno, Akihisa A; Yamada, Takeshi T; Yamada, Yasuhiro Y; Iwata, Tsuyoshi T; Fujihara, Atsuko A; Hongo, Fumiya F; Ukimura, Osamu O
Publication Date: 2020-10-13

Variant appearance in text: rs113488022
PubMed Link: 33051506
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Vemurafenib in Patients With Relapsed Refractory Multiple Myeloma Harboring BRAF V600 Mutations: A Cohort of the Histology-Independent VE-BASKET Study.

Jco Precision Oncology
Raje, Noopur N; Chau, Ian I; Hyman, David M DM; Ribrag, Vincent V; Blay, Jean-Yves JY; Tabernero, Josep J; Elez, Elena E; Wolf, Jürgen J; Yee, Andrew J AJ; Kaiser, Martin M; Landau, Heather H; Michot, Jean-Marie JM; Hollebecque, Antoine A; Veronese, Luisa L; Makrutzki, Martina M; Pitcher, Bethany B; Puzanov, Igor I; Baselga, Jose J
Publication Date: 2018

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 32913989
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Comparison of BRAF Mutation Screening Strategies in a Large Real-Life Series of Advanced Melanoma Patients.

Journal Of Clinical Medicine
Colombino, Maria M; Rozzo, Carla C; Paliogiannis, Panagiotis P; Casula, Milena M; Manca, Antonella A; Doneddu, Valentina V; Fedeli, Maria Antonietta MA; Sini, Maria Cristina MC; Palomba, Grazia G; Pisano, Marina M; Ascierto, Paolo A PA; Caracò, Corrado C; Lissia, Amelia A; Cossu, Antonio A; Palmieri, Giuseppe G
Publication Date: 2020-07-30

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1799T>G; V600G
PubMed Link: 32751423
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  • jcm-09-02430.pdf
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Patient specific circulating tumor DNA fingerprints to monitor treatment response across multiple tumors.

Journal Of Translational Medicine
Li, Jiaping J; Jiang, Wei W; Wei, Jinwang J; Zhang, Jianwei J; Cai, Linbo L; Luo, Minjie M; Wang, Zhan Z; Sun, Wending W; Wang, Shengzhou S; Wang, Chen C; Dai, Chun C; Liu, Jun J; Wang, Guan G; Wang, Jiping J; Xu, Qiang Q; Deng, Yanhong Y
Publication Date: 2020-08-01

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1799T>G; V600G
PubMed Link: 32738923
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  • 12967_2020_2449_MOESM1_ESM.xlsx, sheet 1
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Epigenomic and genomic analysis of transcriptome modulation in skin cutaneous melanoma.

Chen, Wuzhen W; Cheng, Pu P; Jiang, Jingxin J; Ren, Yunqing Y; Wu, Dang D; Xue, Dan D
Publication Date: 2020-07-07

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1799T>G
PubMed Link: 32639949
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  • aging-12-103115-s013..xlsx, sheet 1
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Mitochondria in skin health, aging, and disease.

Cell Death & Disease
Sreedhar, Annapoorna A; Aguilera-Aguirre, Leopoldo L; Singh, Keshav K KK
Publication Date: 2020-06-09

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 32518230
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  • 41419_2020_Article_2649.pdf
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BRAF mutation and its inhibitors in sarcoma treatment.

Cancer Medicine
Liu, Haotian H; Nazmun, Nahar N; Hassan, Shafat S; Liu, Xinyue X; Yang, Jilong J
Publication Date: 2020-07

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600G
PubMed Link: 32476297
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  • Main text
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