BRAF c.1798_1799delinsTA ;(p.V600*)

Variant ID: 7-140453136-AC-TA


This variant was identified in 25 publications

View GRCh38 version.


Retrospective Assessment of Complementary Liquid Biopsy on Tissue Single-Gene Testing for Tumor Genotyping in Advanced NSCLC.

Current Oncology (Toronto, Ont.)
Desmeules, Patrice P; Dusselier, Matthieu M; Bouffard, Cédrik C; Bafaro, Josée J; Fortin, Marc M; Labbé, Catherine C; Joubert, Philippe P
Publication Date: 2023-01-01

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600x
PubMed Link: 36661694
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  • curroncol-30-00045.pdf
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Targeted Protein Degradation: Clinical Advances in the Field of Oncology.

International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
Salama, Abdelrahman K A A AKAA; Trkulja, Marija V MV; Casanova, Emilio E; Uras, Iris Z IZ
Publication Date: 2022-12-06

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600X
PubMed Link: 36499765
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Real-World Clinical Outcomes after Genomic Profiling of Circulating Tumor DNA in Patients with Previously Treated Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.

Current Oncology (Toronto, Ont.)
Olsen, Steven S; Liao, Jiemin J; Hayashi, Hidetoshi H
Publication Date: 2022-07-08

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600X
PubMed Link: 35877242
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  • curroncol-29-00382.pdf
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Cost-Effectiveness of Parallel Versus Sequential Testing of Genetic Aberrations for Stage IV Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer in the Netherlands.

Jco Precision Oncology
Wolff, Henri B HB; Steeghs, Elisabeth M P EMP; Mfumbilwa, Zakile A ZA; Groen, Harry J M HJM; Adang, Eddy M EM; Willems, Stefan M SM; Grünberg, Katrien K; Schuuring, Ed E; Ligtenberg, Marjolijn J L MJL; Tops, Bastiaan B J BBJ; Coupé, Veerle M H VMH
Publication Date: 2022-07

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600X
PubMed Link: 35834758
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  • po-6-e2200201.pdf
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Emerging RAS-directed therapies for cancer.

Cancer Drug Resistance (Alhambra, Calif.)
Conroy, Michael M; Cowzer, Darren D; Kolch, Walter W; Duffy, Austin G AG
Publication Date: 2021

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600X
PubMed Link: 35582302
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • cdr-4-543.pdf
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Clinically actionable cancer somatic variants (CACSV): a tumor interpreted dataset for analytical workflows.

Bmc Medical Genomics
Sobahy, Turki M TM; Tashkandi, Ghassan G; Bahussain, Donya D; Al-Harbi, Raneem R
Publication Date: 2022-04-25

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600*
PubMed Link: 35468810
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 12920_2022_1235_MOESM2_ESM.xlsx, sheet 1
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Custom multi‑tumor next‑generation sequencing panel for routine molecular diagnosis of solid tumors: Validation and results from three‑year clinical use.

International Journal Of Molecular Medicine
Chevrier, Sandy S; Brasselet, Astrid A; Carnet, Marion M; Chevriaux, Angélique A; Gibeaud, Anne A; Jourdain, Marine M; Mananet, Hugo H; Truntzer, Caroline C; Beltjens, Françoise F; Charon-Barra, Céline C; Arnould, Laurent L; Albuisson, Juliette J; Comte, Anthony A; Derangère, Valentin V; Goussot, Vincent V; Boidot, Romain R
Publication Date: 2022-05

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: Val600X
PubMed Link: 35244186
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  • ijmm-49-05-05113.pdf
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The Genomics of Colorectal Cancer in Populations with African and European Ancestry.

Cancer Discovery
Myer, Parvathi A PA; Lee, Jessica K JK; Madison, Russell W RW; Pradhan, Kith K; Newberg, Justin Y JY; Isasi, Carmen R CR; Klempner, Samuel J SJ; Frampton, Garrett M GM; Ross, Jeffery S JS; Venstrom, Jeffrey M JM; Schrock, Alexa B AB; Das, Sudipto S; Augenlicht, Leonard L; Verma, Amit A; Greally, John M JM; Raj, Srilakshmi M SM; Goel, Sanjay S; Ali, Siraj M SM
Publication Date: 2022-05-02

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600X
PubMed Link: 35176763
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  • 1282.pdf
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Prevalence of targeted therapy-related genetic variations in NSCLC and their relationship with clinicopathological characteristics.

Plos One
Li, Fanghua F; Ye, Peng P; Cai, Peiling P; Dong, Dandan D; Zhang, Yihao Y; Yang, Yue Y; Sun, Xingwang X
Publication Date: 2022

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600X
PubMed Link: 35061839
Variant Present in the following documents:
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  • pone.0262822.pdf
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Prevalence of targeted therapy-related genetic variations in NSCLC and their relationship with clinicopathological characteristics.

Plos One
Li, Fanghua F; Ye, Peng P; Cai, Peiling P; Dong, Dandan D; Zhang, Yihao Y; Yang, Yue Y; Sun, Xingwang X
Publication Date: 2022

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600X
PubMed Link: 35061839
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  • pone.0262822.pdf
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Comparison of Efficacy in Patients with Metastatic Melanoma Treated with Ipilimumab and Nivolumab Who Did or Did Not Discontinue Treatment Due to Immune-Related Adverse Events: A Real-World Data Study.

Fink, Morten M; Vittrup, Anders Schwartz AS; Bastholt, Lars L; Svane, Inge Marie IM; Donia, Marco M; Luczak, Adam A AA; Ruhlmann, Christina H CH; Guldbrandt, Louise Mahncke LM; Koehler, Ulrich Heide UH; Winther, Mette Lerche ML; Ellebaek, Eva E; Haslund, Charlotte Aaquist CA; Schmidt, Henrik H
Publication Date: 2021-11-05

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600x
PubMed Link: 34771712
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  • cancers-13-05550.pdf
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Serum tumor markers for the prediction of concordance between genomic profiles from liquid and tissue biopsy in patients with advanced lung adenocarcinoma.

Translational Lung Cancer Research
Jiao, Xiao-Dong XD; Ding, Li-Ren LR; Zhang, Chuan-Tao CT; Qin, Bao-Dong BD; Liu, Ke K; Jiang, Lian-Ping LP; Wang, Xi X; Lv, Li-Ting LT; Ding, Hao H; Li, Dao-Ming DM; Yang, Hui H; Chen, Xue-Qin XQ; Zhu, Wen-Yu WY; Wu, Ying Y; Ling, Yan Y; He, Xi X; Liu, Jun J; Shao, Lin L; Wang, Hao-Zhe HZ; Chen, Yan Y; Zheng, Jing-Jing JJ; Inui, Naoki N; Zang, Yuan-Sheng YS
Publication Date: 2021-07

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600X
PubMed Link: 34430361
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  • tlcr-10-07-3236-supplementary.pdf
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BRN2 is a non-canonical melanoma tumor-suppressor.

Nature Communications
Hamm, Michael M; Sohier, Pierre P; Petit, Valérie V; Raymond, Jérémy H JH; Delmas, Véronique V; Le Coz, Madeleine M; Gesbert, Franck F; Kenny, Colin C; Aktary, Zackie Z; Pouteaux, Marie M; Rambow, Florian F; Sarasin, Alain A; Charoenchon, Nisamanee N; Bellacosa, Alfonso A; Sanchez-Del-Campo, Luis L; Mosteo, Laura L; Lauss, Martin M; Meijer, Dies D; Steingrimsson, Eirikur E; Jönsson, Göran B GB; Cornell, Robert A RA; Davidson, Irwin I; Goding, Colin R CR; Larue, Lionel L
Publication Date: 2021-06-17

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600X
PubMed Link: 34140478
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Plasma EGFR mutation abundance affects clinical response to first-line EGFR-TKIs in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer.

Annals Of Translational Medicine
Wang, Xiaohong X; Liu, Yonggang Y; Meng, Zhiying Z; Wu, Yun Y; Wang, Shubin S; Jin, Gaowa G; Qin, Yingchun Y; Wang, Fengyun F; Wang, Jing J; Zhou, Haifei H; Su, Xiaoxing X; Fu, Xiuhua X; Wang, Xiaolan X; Shi, Xiaoyu X; Wen, Zhenping Z; Jia, Xiaoqiong X; Qin, Qiong Q; Gao, Yongqiang Y; Guo, Weidong W; Lu, Shun S
Publication Date: 2021-04

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600X
PubMed Link: 33987333
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Canadian Consensus for Biomarker Testing and Treatment of TRK Fusion Cancer in Adults.

Current Oncology (Toronto, Ont.)
Bebb, D Gwyn DG; Banerji, Shantanu S; Blais, Normand N; Desmeules, Patrice P; Gill, Sharlene S; Grin, Andrea A; Feilotter, Harriet H; Hansen, Aaron R AR; Hyrcza, Martin M; Krzyzanowska, Monika M; Melosky, Barbara B; Noujaim, Jonathan J; Purgina, Bibiana B; Ruether, Dean D; Simmons, Christine E CE; Soulieres, Denis D; Torlakovic, Emina Emilia EE; Tsao, Ming-Sound MS
Publication Date: 2021-01-15

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600x
PubMed Link: 33467570
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  • curroncol-28-00053.pdf
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Molecular Landscape of BRAF-Mutant NSCLC Reveals an Association Between Clonality and Driver Mutations and Identifies Targetable Non-V600 Driver Mutations.

Journal Of Thoracic Oncology : Official Publication Of The International Association For The Study Of Lung Cancer
Negrao, Marcelo V MV; Raymond, Victoria M VM; Lanman, Richard B RB; Robichaux, Jacqulyne P JP; He, Junqin J; Nilsson, Monique B MB; Ng, Patrick K S PKS; Amador, Bianca E BE; Roarty, Emily B EB; Nagy, Rebecca J RJ; Banks, Kimberly C KC; Zhu, Viola W VW; Ng, Chun C; Chae, Young Kwang YK; Clarke, Jeffrey M JM; Crawford, Jeffrey A JA; Meric-Bernstam, Funda F; Ignatius Ou, Sai-Hong SH; Gandara, David R DR; Heymach, John V JV; Bivona, Trever G TG; McCoach, Caroline E CE
Publication Date: 2020-10

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600X
PubMed Link: 32540409
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Disrupting ATF4 Expression Mechanisms Provides an Effective Strategy for BRAF-Targeted Melanoma Therapy.

Nagasawa, Ikuko I; Koido, Masaru M; Tani, Yuri Y; Tsukahara, Satomi S; Kunimasa, Kazuhiro K; Tomida, Akihiro A
Publication Date: 2020-04-24

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600*
PubMed Link: 32283529
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  • mmc1.pdf
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Evidence-Based Network Approach to Recommending Targeted Cancer Therapies.

Jco Clinical Cancer Informatics
Kancherla, Jayaram J; Rao, Shruti S; Bhuvaneshwar, Krithika K; Riggins, Rebecca B RB; Beckman, Robert A RA; Madhavan, Subha S; Corrada Bravo, Héctor H; Boca, Simina M SM
Publication Date: 2020-01

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600X
PubMed Link: 31990579
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • CCI.19.00097.pdf
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Prospective evaluation of two screening methods for molecular testing of metastatic melanoma: Diagnostic performance of BRAF V600E immunohistochemistry and of a NRAS-BRAF fully automated real-time PCR-based assay.

Plos One
Vallée, Audrey A; Denis-Musquer, Marie M; Herbreteau, Guillaume G; Théoleyre, Sandrine S; Bossard, Céline C; Denis, Marc G MG
Publication Date: 2019

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600X
PubMed Link: 31415669
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  • pone.0221123.pdf
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Enhancing the Efficacy of Melanocortin 1 Receptor-Targeted Radiotherapy by Pharmacologically Upregulating the Receptor in Metastatic Melanoma.

Molecular Pharmaceutics
Li, Mengshi M; Liu, Dijie D; Lee, Dongyoul D; Kapoor, Somya S; Gibson-Corley, Katherine N KN; Quinn, Thomas P TP; Sagastume, Edwin A EA; Mott, Sarah L SL; Walsh, Susan A SA; Acevedo, Michael R MR; Johnson, Frances L FL; Schultz, Michael K MK
Publication Date: 2019-09-03

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600X
PubMed Link: 31318566
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Imaging markers of response to combined BRAF and MEK inhibition in BRAF mutated vemurafenib-sensitive and resistant melanomas.

Acciardo, Stefania S; Mignion, Lionel L; Joudiou, Nicolas N; Bouzin, Caroline C; Baurain, Jean-François JF; Gallez, Bernard B; Jordan, Bénédicte F BF
Publication Date: 2018-03-30

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600x
PubMed Link: 29682188
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  • oncotarget-09-16832.pdf
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Standardizing biomarker testing for Canadian patients with advanced lung cancer.

Current Oncology (Toronto, Ont.)
Melosky, B B; Blais, N N; Cheema, P P; Couture, C C; Juergens, R R; Kamel-Reid, S S; Tsao, M-S MS; Wheatley-Price, P P; Xu, Z Z; Ionescu, D N DN
Publication Date: 2018-02

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600X
PubMed Link: 29507487
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Dynamic changes of circulating tumour DNA in surgical lung cancer patients: protocol for a prospective observational study.

Bmj Open
Chen, Kezhong K; Zhao, Heng H; Yang, Fan F; Hui, Bengang B; Wang, Tianyang T; Wang, Lieu Tu LT; Shi, Yanbin Y; Wang, Jun J
Publication Date: 2018-02-06

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600X
PubMed Link: 29437753
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  • bmjopen-2017-019012.pdf
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Validation of an NGS mutation detection panel for melanoma.

Bmc Cancer
Reiman, Anne A; Kikuchi, Hugh H; Scocchia, Daniela D; Smith, Peter P; Tsang, Yee Wah YW; Snead, David D; Cree, Ian A IA
Publication Date: 2017-02-22

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600X
PubMed Link: 28228113
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  • 12885_2017_Article_3149.pdf
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The c-Jun/RHOB/AKT pathway confers resistance of BRAF-mutant melanoma cells to MAPK inhibitors.

Delmas, Audrey A; Cherier, Julia J; Pohorecka, Magdalena M; Medale-Giamarchi, Claire C; Meyer, Nicolas N; Casanova, Anne A; Sordet, Olivier O; Lamant, Laurence L; Savina, Ariel A; Pradines, Anne A; Favre, Gilles G
Publication Date: 2015-06-20

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600X
PubMed Link: 26098773
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Genotype-selective combination therapies for melanoma identified by high-throughput drug screening.

Cancer Discovery
Held, Matthew A MA; Langdon, Casey G CG; Platt, James T JT; Graham-Steed, Tisheeka T; Liu, Zongzhi Z; Chakraborty, Ashok A; Bacchiocchi, Antonella A; Koo, Andrew A; Haskins, Jonathan W JW; Bosenberg, Marcus W MW; Stern, David F DF
Publication Date: 2013-01

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: V600*
PubMed Link: 23239741
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