Cost-Effectiveness of Parallel Versus Sequential Testing of Genetic Aberrations for Stage IV Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer in the Netherlands.
Jco Precision Oncology
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Custom multi‑tumor next‑generation sequencing panel for routine molecular diagnosis of solid tumors: Validation and results from three‑year clinical use.
International Journal Of Molecular Medicine
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The Genomics of Colorectal Cancer in Populations with African and European Ancestry.
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Serum tumor markers for the prediction of concordance between genomic profiles from liquid and tissue biopsy in patients with advanced lung adenocarcinoma.
Translational Lung Cancer Research
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BRN2 is a non-canonical melanoma tumor-suppressor.
Nature Communications
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Molecular Landscape of BRAF-Mutant NSCLC Reveals an Association Between Clonality and Driver Mutations and Identifies Targetable Non-V600 Driver Mutations.
Journal Of Thoracic Oncology : Official Publication Of The International Association For The Study Of Lung Cancer
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Prospective evaluation of two screening methods for molecular testing of metastatic melanoma: Diagnostic performance of BRAF V600E immunohistochemistry and of a NRAS-BRAF fully automated real-time PCR-based assay.
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Enhancing the Efficacy of Melanocortin 1 Receptor-Targeted Radiotherapy by Pharmacologically Upregulating the Receptor in Metastatic Melanoma.
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Genotype-selective combination therapies for melanoma identified by high-throughput drug screening.
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