mTOR Signaling and SREBP Activity Increase FADS2 Expression and Can Activate Sapienate Biosynthesis.
Cell Reports
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Genomics of lethal prostate cancer at diagnosis and castration resistance.
The Journal Of Clinical Investigation
Mateo, Joaquin J; Seed, George G; Bertan, Claudia C; Rescigno, Pasquale P; Dolling, David D; Figueiredo, Ines I; Miranda, Susana S; Nava Rodrigues, Daniel D; Gurel, Bora B; Clarke, Matthew M; Atkin, Mark M; Chandler, Rob R; Messina, Carlo C; Sumanasuriya, Semini S; Bianchini, Diletta D; Barrero, Maialen M; Petermolo, Antonella A; Zafeiriou, Zafeiris Z; Fontes, Mariane M; Perez-Lopez, Raquel R; Tunariu, Nina N; Fulton, Ben B; Jones, Robert R; McGovern, Ursula U; Ralph, Christy C; Varughese, Mohini M; Parikh, Omi O; Jain, Suneil S; Elliott, Tony T; Sandhu, Shahneen S; Porta, Nuria N; Hall, Emma E; Yuan, Wei W; Carreira, Suzanne S; de Bono, Johann S JS
Lack of Response to Vemurafenib in Melanoma Carrying BRAF K601E Mutation.
Case Reports In Oncology
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Formalin fixation increases deamination mutation signature but should not lead to false positive mutations in clinical practice.
Plos One
Prentice, Leah M LM; Miller, Ruth R RR; Knaggs, Jeff J; Mazloomian, Alborz A; Aguirre Hernandez, Rosalia R; Franchini, Patrick P; Parsa, Kourosh K; Tessier-Cloutier, Basile B; Lapuk, Anna A; Huntsman, David D; Schaeffer, David F DF; Sheffield, Brandon S BS
Prognostic significance of BRAF and NRAS mutations in melanoma: a German study from routine care.
Bmc Cancer
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Longitudinal analysis of treatment-induced genomic alterations in gliomas.
Genome Medicine
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