BRAF c.1791A>G ;(p.L597=)

Variant ID: 7-140453144-T-C


This variant was identified in 12 publications

View GRCh38 version.


Recapitulating thyroid cancer histotypes through engineering embryonic stem cells.

Nature Communications
Veschi, Veronica V; Turdo, Alice A; Modica, Chiara C; Verona, Francesco F; Di Franco, Simone S; Gaggianesi, Miriam M; Tirrò, Elena E; Di Bella, Sebastiano S; Iacono, Melania Lo ML; Pantina, Vincenzo Davide VD; Porcelli, Gaetana G; Mangiapane, Laura Rosa LR; Bianca, Paola P; Rizzo, Aroldo A; Sciacca, Elisabetta E; Pillitteri, Irene I; Vella, Veronica V; Belfiore, Antonino A; Bongiorno, Maria Rita MR; Pistone, Giuseppe G; Memeo, Lorenzo L; Colarossi, Lorenzo L; Giuffrida, Dario D; Colarossi, Cristina C; Vigneri, Paolo P; Todaro, Matilde M; Stassi, Giorgio G
Publication Date: 2023-03-11

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: L597L
PubMed Link: 36906579
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41467_2023_36922_MOESM4_ESM.xls, sheet 2
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Genomic Landscape of RTK/RAS Pathway and Tumor Immune Infiltration as Prognostic Indicator of Lung Adenocarcinoma.

Frontiers In Oncology
Yin, Xiang-Qian XQ; Yin, Xue-Hui XH; Yu, Ya-Qin YQ; Xu, Lang L; Zhang, Mao M
Publication Date: 2022

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1791A>G; L597L
PubMed Link: 35936718
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Table_4.xlsx, sheet 2
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Mutation profile and immunoscore signature in thymic carcinomas: An exploratory study and review of the literature.

Thoracic Cancer
Asselta, Rosanna R; Di Tommaso, Luca L; Perrino, Matteo M; Destro, Annarita A; Giordano, Laura L; Cardamone, Giulia G; Rubino, Luca L; Santoro, Armando A; Duga, Stefano S; Zucali, Paolo Andrea PA
Publication Date: 2021-05

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1791A>G; L597L
PubMed Link: 33704917
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • TCA-12-1271-s003.xls, sheet 1
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Integrated molecular drivers coordinate biological and clinical states in melanoma.

Nature Genetics
Conway, Jake R JR; Dietlein, Felix F; Taylor-Weiner, Amaro A; AlDubayan, Saud S; Vokes, Natalie N; Keenan, Tanya T; Reardon, Brendan B; He, Meng Xiao MX; Margolis, Claire A CA; Weirather, Jason L JL; Haq, Rizwan R; Schilling, Bastian B; Stephen Hodi, F F; Schadendorf, Dirk D; Liu, David D; Van Allen, Eliezer M EM
Publication Date: 2020-12

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: L597L
PubMed Link: 33230298
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • NIHMS1637640-supplement-SuppData1.xlsx, sheet 1
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Comparison of different semi-automated cfDNA extraction methods in combination with UMI-based targeted sequencing.

Streubel, Anna A; Stenzinger, Albrecht A; Stephan-Falkenau, Susann S; Kollmeier, Jens J; Misch, Daniel D; Blum, Torsten Gerriet TG; Bauer, Torsten T; Landt, Olfert O; Am Ende, Alexander A; Schirmacher, Peter P; Mairinger, Thomas T; Endris, Volker V
Publication Date: 2019-10-01

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: Leu597Leu
PubMed Link: 31620244
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • oncotarget-10-5690-s003.xlsx, sheet 1
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Formalin fixation increases deamination mutation signature but should not lead to false positive mutations in clinical practice.

Plos One
Prentice, Leah M LM; Miller, Ruth R RR; Knaggs, Jeff J; Mazloomian, Alborz A; Aguirre Hernandez, Rosalia R; Franchini, Patrick P; Parsa, Kourosh K; Tessier-Cloutier, Basile B; Lapuk, Anna A; Huntsman, David D; Schaeffer, David F DF; Sheffield, Brandon S BS
Publication Date: 2018

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: L597L
PubMed Link: 29698444
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • pone.0196434.s001.xlsx, sheet 3
  • pone.0196434.s001.xlsx, sheet 1
  • pone.0196434.s001.xlsx, sheet 2
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Pan-urologic cancer genomic subtypes that transcend tissue of origin.

Nature Communications
Chen, Fengju F; Zhang, Yiqun Y; Bossé, Dominick D; Lalani, Aly-Khan A AA; Hakimi, A Ari AA; Hsieh, James J JJ; Choueiri, Toni K TK; Gibbons, Don L DL; Ittmann, Michael M; Creighton, Chad J CJ
Publication Date: 2017-08-04

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1791A>G; L597L
PubMed Link: 28775315
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41467_2017_289_MOESM7_ESM.xlsx, sheet 1
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Circulating tumour DNA sequence analysis as an alternative to multiple myeloma bone marrow aspirates.

Nature Communications
Kis, Olena O; Kaedbey, Rayan R; Chow, Signy S; Danesh, Arnavaz A; Dowar, Mark M; Li, Tiantian T; Li, Zhihua Z; Liu, Jessica J; Mansour, Mark M; Masih-Khan, Esther E; Zhang, Tong T; Bratman, Scott V SV; Oza, Amit M AM; Kamel-Reid, Suzanne S; Trudel, Suzanne S; Pugh, Trevor J TJ
Publication Date: 2017-05-11

Variant appearance in text: N/A
PubMed Link: 28492226
Variant Present in the following documents:
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Recurrent inactivating RASA2 mutations in melanoma.

Nature Genetics
Arafeh, Rand R; Qutob, Nouar N; Emmanuel, Rafi R; Keren-Paz, Alona A; Madore, Jason J; Elkahloun, Abdel A; Wilmott, James S JS; Gartner, Jared J JJ; Di Pizio, Antonella A; Winograd-Katz, Sabina S; Sindiri, Sivasish S; Rotkopf, Ron R; Dutton-Regester, Ken K; Johansson, Peter P; Pritchard, Antonia L AL; Waddell, Nicola N; Hill, Victoria K VK; Lin, Jimmy C JC; Hevroni, Yael Y; Rosenberg, Steven A SA; Khan, Javed J; Ben-Dor, Shifra S; Niv, Masha Y MY; Ulitsky, Igor I; Mann, Graham J GJ; Scolyer, Richard A RA; Hayward, Nicholas K NK; Samuels, Yardena Y
Publication Date: 2015-12

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: L597L
PubMed Link: 26502337
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • NIHMS65345-supplement-Supplementary_table_3.xlsx, sheet 2
  • NIHMS65345-supplement-Supplementary_table_3.xlsx, sheet 1
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BRAF/NRAS wild-type melanoma, NF1 status and sensitivity to trametinib.

Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research
Ranzani, Marco M; Alifrangis, Constantine C; Perna, Daniele D; Dutton-Regester, Ken K; Pritchard, Antonia A; Wong, Kim K; Rashid, Mamunur M; Robles-Espinoza, Carla Daniela CD; Hayward, Nicholas K NK; McDermott, Ultan U; Garnett, Mathew M; Adams, David J DJ
Publication Date: 2015-01

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: L597L
PubMed Link: 25243813
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • pcmr0028-0117-sd4.xlsx, sheet 1
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BRAF pyrosequencing analysis aided by a lookup table.

American Journal Of Clinical Pathology
Olson, Matthew T MT; Harrington, Colleen C; Beierl, Katie K; Chen, Guoli G; Thiess, Michele M; O'Neill, Alan A; Taube, Janis M JM; Zeiger, Martha A MA; Lin, Ming-Tseh MT; Eshleman, James R JR
Publication Date: 2014-05

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1791A>G; L597L
PubMed Link: 24713734
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
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The mutational landscape of lethal castration-resistant prostate cancer.

Grasso, Catherine S CS; Wu, Yi-Mi YM; Robinson, Dan R DR; Cao, Xuhong X; Dhanasekaran, Saravana M SM; Khan, Amjad P AP; Quist, Michael J MJ; Jing, Xiaojun X; Lonigro, Robert J RJ; Brenner, J Chad JC; Asangani, Irfan A IA; Ateeq, Bushra B; Chun, Sang Y SY; Siddiqui, Javed J; Sam, Lee L; Anstett, Matt M; Mehra, Rohit R; Prensner, John R JR; Palanisamy, Nallasivam N; Ryslik, Gregory A GA; Vandin, Fabio F; Raphael, Benjamin J BJ; Kunju, Lakshmi P LP; Rhodes, Daniel R DR; Pienta, Kenneth J KJ; Chinnaiyan, Arul M AM; Tomlins, Scott A SA
Publication Date: 2012-07-12

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: L597L
PubMed Link: 22722839
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • NIHMS368879-supplement-2.xlsx, sheet 15
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