BRAF c.1778G>A ;(p.G593D)

Variant ID: 7-140453157-C-T


This variant was identified in 12 publications

View GRCh38 version.


Recapitulating thyroid cancer histotypes through engineering embryonic stem cells.

Nature Communications
Veschi, Veronica V; Turdo, Alice A; Modica, Chiara C; Verona, Francesco F; Di Franco, Simone S; Gaggianesi, Miriam M; Tirrò, Elena E; Di Bella, Sebastiano S; Iacono, Melania Lo ML; Pantina, Vincenzo Davide VD; Porcelli, Gaetana G; Mangiapane, Laura Rosa LR; Bianca, Paola P; Rizzo, Aroldo A; Sciacca, Elisabetta E; Pillitteri, Irene I; Vella, Veronica V; Belfiore, Antonino A; Bongiorno, Maria Rita MR; Pistone, Giuseppe G; Memeo, Lorenzo L; Colarossi, Lorenzo L; Giuffrida, Dario D; Colarossi, Cristina C; Vigneri, Paolo P; Todaro, Matilde M; Stassi, Giorgio G
Publication Date: 2023-03-11

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: G593D
PubMed Link: 36906579
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41467_2023_36922_MOESM4_ESM.xls, sheet 2
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Targeted Therapy for Melanomas Without BRAF V600 Mutations.

Current Treatment Options In Oncology
Menzer, Christian C; Hassel, Jessica C JC
Publication Date: 2022-06

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: G593D
PubMed Link: 35380338
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • 11864_2022_Article_946.pdf
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BRAF, C-KIT, and NRAS mutations correlated with different clinicopathological features: an analysis of 691 melanoma patients from a single center.

Annals Of Translational Medicine
Ren, Min M; Zhang, Jing J; Kong, Yunyi Y; Bai, Qianming Q; Qi, Peng P; Zhang, Ling L; Wang, Qian Q; Zhou, Xiaoyan X; Chen, Yong Y; Zhu, Xiaoli X
Publication Date: 2022-01

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: G593D
PubMed Link: 35282092
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • atm-10-02-31.pdf
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A Narrative Review of Genetic Alterations in Primary Thyroid Epithelial Cancer.

International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
Romei, Cristina C; Elisei, Rossella R
Publication Date: 2021-02-09

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1778G>A; G593D
PubMed Link: 33572167
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • ijms-22-01726.pdf
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BRAF Exon 15 Mutations in Papillary Carcinoma and Adjacent Thyroid Parenchyma: A Search for the Early Molecular Events Associated with Tumor Development.

Acquaviva, Giorgia G; de Biase, Dario D; Diquigiovanni, Chiara C; Argento, Chiara Maria CM; De Leo, Antonio A; Bonora, Elena E; Rhoden, Kerry Jane KJ; Pession, Annalisa A; Tallini, Giovanni G
Publication Date: 2020-02-12

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: G593D
PubMed Link: 32059434
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • cancers-12-00430.pdf
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Mutational concordance between primary and metastatic melanoma: a next-generation sequencing approach.

Journal Of Translational Medicine
Manca, Antonella A; Paliogiannis, Panagiotis P; Colombino, Maria M; Casula, Milena M; Lissia, Amelia A; Botti, Gerardo G; Caracò, Corrado C; Ascierto, Paolo A PA; Sini, Maria Cristina MC; Palomba, Grazia G; Pisano, Marina M; , ; , ; Doneddu, Valentina V; Cossu, Antonio A; Palmieri, Giuseppe G; ,
Publication Date: 2019-08-28

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1778G>A; Gly593Asp
PubMed Link: 31455347
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 12967_2019_2039_MOESM1_ESM.xlsx, sheet 1
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Clinical mutational profiling and categorization of BRAF mutations in melanomas using next generation sequencing.

Bmc Cancer
Lokhandwala, Parvez M PM; Tseng, Li-Hui LH; Rodriguez, Erika E; Zheng, Gang G; Pallavajjalla, Aparna A; Gocke, Christopher D CD; Eshleman, James R JR; Lin, Ming-Tseh MT
Publication Date: 2019-07-05

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: G593D
PubMed Link: 31277584
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • 12885_2019_Article_5864.pdf
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Formalin fixation increases deamination mutation signature but should not lead to false positive mutations in clinical practice.

Plos One
Prentice, Leah M LM; Miller, Ruth R RR; Knaggs, Jeff J; Mazloomian, Alborz A; Aguirre Hernandez, Rosalia R; Franchini, Patrick P; Parsa, Kourosh K; Tessier-Cloutier, Basile B; Lapuk, Anna A; Huntsman, David D; Schaeffer, David F DF; Sheffield, Brandon S BS
Publication Date: 2018

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: G593D
PubMed Link: 29698444
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • pone.0196434.s001.xlsx, sheet 3
  • pone.0196434.s001.xlsx, sheet 1
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Significant Improvement in Detecting BRAF, KRAS, and EGFR Mutations Using Next-Generation Sequencing as Compared with FDA-Cleared Kits.

Molecular Diagnosis & Therapy
Ma, Wanlong W; Brodie, Steven S; Agersborg, Sally S; Funari, Vincent A VA; Albitar, Maher M
Publication Date: 2017-10

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1778G>A; Gly593Asp
PubMed Link: 28639239
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • 40291_2017_Article_290.pdf
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Recurrent inactivating RASA2 mutations in melanoma.

Nature Genetics
Arafeh, Rand R; Qutob, Nouar N; Emmanuel, Rafi R; Keren-Paz, Alona A; Madore, Jason J; Elkahloun, Abdel A; Wilmott, James S JS; Gartner, Jared J JJ; Di Pizio, Antonella A; Winograd-Katz, Sabina S; Sindiri, Sivasish S; Rotkopf, Ron R; Dutton-Regester, Ken K; Johansson, Peter P; Pritchard, Antonia L AL; Waddell, Nicola N; Hill, Victoria K VK; Lin, Jimmy C JC; Hevroni, Yael Y; Rosenberg, Steven A SA; Khan, Javed J; Ben-Dor, Shifra S; Niv, Masha Y MY; Ulitsky, Igor I; Mann, Graham J GJ; Scolyer, Richard A RA; Hayward, Nicholas K NK; Samuels, Yardena Y
Publication Date: 2015-12

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: G593D
PubMed Link: 26502337
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • NIHMS65345-supplement-Supplementary_table_3.xlsx, sheet 1
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Structure-energy-based predictions and network modelling of RASopathy and cancer missense mutations.

Molecular Systems Biology
Kiel, Christina C; Serrano, Luis L
Publication Date: 2014-05-06

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: G593D
PubMed Link: 24803665
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • MSB-10-5-727-s13.xls, sheet 1
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Impact of BRAF mutation and microsatellite instability on the pattern of metastatic spread and prognosis in metastatic colorectal cancer.

Tran, Ben B; Kopetz, Scott S; Tie, Jeanne J; Gibbs, Peter P; Jiang, Zhi-Qin ZQ; Lieu, Christopher H CH; Agarwal, Atin A; Maru, Dipen M DM; Sieber, Oliver O; Desai, Jayesh J
Publication Date: 2011-10-15

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: G593D
PubMed Link: 21456008
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
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