BRAF c.1763T>C ;(p.L588P)

Variant ID: 7-140453172-A-G


This variant was identified in 8 publications

View GRCh38 version.


Recapitulating thyroid cancer histotypes through engineering embryonic stem cells.

Nature Communications
Veschi, Veronica V; Turdo, Alice A; Modica, Chiara C; Verona, Francesco F; Di Franco, Simone S; Gaggianesi, Miriam M; Tirrò, Elena E; Di Bella, Sebastiano S; Iacono, Melania Lo ML; Pantina, Vincenzo Davide VD; Porcelli, Gaetana G; Mangiapane, Laura Rosa LR; Bianca, Paola P; Rizzo, Aroldo A; Sciacca, Elisabetta E; Pillitteri, Irene I; Vella, Veronica V; Belfiore, Antonino A; Bongiorno, Maria Rita MR; Pistone, Giuseppe G; Memeo, Lorenzo L; Colarossi, Lorenzo L; Giuffrida, Dario D; Colarossi, Cristina C; Vigneri, Paolo P; Todaro, Matilde M; Stassi, Giorgio G
Publication Date: 2023-03-11

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: L588P
PubMed Link: 36906579
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41467_2023_36922_MOESM4_ESM.xls, sheet 2
View BVdb publication page

Pan-neuroblastoma analysis reveals age- and signature-associated driver alterations.

Nature Communications
Brady, Samuel W SW; Liu, Yanling Y; Ma, Xiaotu X; Gout, Alexander M AM; Hagiwara, Kohei K; Zhou, Xin X; Wang, Jian J; Macias, Michael M; Chen, Xiaolong X; Easton, John J; Mulder, Heather L HL; Rusch, Michael M; Wang, Lu L; Nakitandwe, Joy J; Lei, Shaohua S; Davis, Eric M EM; Naranjo, Arlene A; Cheng, Cheng C; Maris, John M JM; Downing, James R JR; Cheung, Nai-Kong V NV; Hogarty, Michael D MD; Dyer, Michael A MA; Zhang, Jinghui J
Publication Date: 2020-10-14

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: L588P
PubMed Link: 33056981
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41467_2020_18987_MOESM7_ESM.xlsx, sheet 1
  • 41467_2020_Article_18987.pdf
  • 41467_2020_18987_MOESM11_ESM.xlsx, sheet 9
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mTOR Signaling and SREBP Activity Increase FADS2 Expression and Can Activate Sapienate Biosynthesis.

Cell Reports
Triki, Mouna M; Rinaldi, Gianmarco G; Planque, Melanie M; Broekaert, Dorien D; Winkelkotte, Alina M AM; Maier, Carina R CR; Janaki Raman, Sudha S; Vandekeere, Anke A; Van Elsen, Joke J; Orth, Martin F MF; Grünewald, Thomas G P TGP; Schulze, Almut A; Fendt, Sarah-Maria SM
Publication Date: 2020-06-23

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: L588P
PubMed Link: 32579932
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • mmc5.xlsx, sheet 3
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Formalin fixation increases deamination mutation signature but should not lead to false positive mutations in clinical practice.

Plos One
Prentice, Leah M LM; Miller, Ruth R RR; Knaggs, Jeff J; Mazloomian, Alborz A; Aguirre Hernandez, Rosalia R; Franchini, Patrick P; Parsa, Kourosh K; Tessier-Cloutier, Basile B; Lapuk, Anna A; Huntsman, David D; Schaeffer, David F DF; Sheffield, Brandon S BS
Publication Date: 2018

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: L588P
PubMed Link: 29698444
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • pone.0196434.s001.xlsx, sheet 3
  • pone.0196434.s001.xlsx, sheet 1
  • pone.0196434.s001.xlsx, sheet 2
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Pan-cancer genome and transcriptome analyses of 1,699 paediatric leukaemias and solid tumours.

Ma, Xiaotu X; Liu, Yu Y; Liu, Yanling Y; Alexandrov, Ludmil B LB; Edmonson, Michael N MN; Gawad, Charles C; Zhou, Xin X; Li, Yongjin Y; Rusch, Michael C MC; Easton, John J; Huether, Robert R; Gonzalez-Pena, Veronica V; Wilkinson, Mark R MR; Hermida, Leandro C LC; Davis, Sean S; Sioson, Edgar E; Pounds, Stanley S; Cao, Xueyuan X; Ries, Rhonda E RE; Wang, Zhaoming Z; Chen, Xiang X; Dong, Li L; Diskin, Sharon J SJ; Smith, Malcolm A MA; Guidry Auvil, Jaime M JM; Meltzer, Paul S PS; Lau, Ching C CC; Perlman, Elizabeth J EJ; Maris, John M JM; Meshinchi, Soheil S; Hunger, Stephen P SP; Gerhard, Daniela S DS; Zhang, Jinghui J
Publication Date: 2018-03-15

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: L588P
PubMed Link: 29489755
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • NIHMS939556-supplement-Table_2-7.xlsx, sheet 3
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Circulating tumour DNA sequence analysis as an alternative to multiple myeloma bone marrow aspirates.

Nature Communications
Kis, Olena O; Kaedbey, Rayan R; Chow, Signy S; Danesh, Arnavaz A; Dowar, Mark M; Li, Tiantian T; Li, Zhihua Z; Liu, Jessica J; Mansour, Mark M; Masih-Khan, Esther E; Zhang, Tong T; Bratman, Scott V SV; Oza, Amit M AM; Kamel-Reid, Suzanne S; Trudel, Suzanne S; Pugh, Trevor J TJ
Publication Date: 2017-05-11

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1763T>C
PubMed Link: 28492226
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • ncomms15086-s3.xlsx, sheet 1
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Structure-energy-based predictions and network modelling of RASopathy and cancer missense mutations.

Molecular Systems Biology
Kiel, Christina C; Serrano, Luis L
Publication Date: 2014-05-06

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: L588P
PubMed Link: 24803665
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • MSB-10-5-727-s13.xls, sheet 1
View BVdb publication page

Assessment of computational methods for predicting the effects of missense mutations in human cancers.

Bmc Genomics
Gnad, Florian F; Baucom, Albion A; Mukhyala, Kiran K; Manning, Gerard G; Zhang, Zemin Z
Publication Date: 2013

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: L588P
PubMed Link: 23819521
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 1471-2164-14-S3-S7-S1.xlsx, sheet 1
View BVdb publication page