BRAF c.1742A>G ;(p.N581S)

Variant ID: 7-140453193-T-C


This variant was identified in 200 publications

View GRCh38 version.


The Genomic Landscape of Melanoma and Its Therapeutic Implications.

Yang, Ting-Ting TT; Yu, Sebastian S; Ke, Chiao-Li Khale CK; Cheng, Shih-Tsung ST
Publication Date: 2023-04-29

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S
PubMed Link: 37239381
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • genes-14-01021.pdf
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3D structural human interactome reveals proteome-wide perturbations by disease mutations.

Biorxiv : The Preprint Server For Biology
Xiong, Dapeng D; Zhao, Junfei J; Qiu, Yunguang Y; Zhou, Yadi Y; Lee, Dongjin D; Gupta, Shobhita S; Lu, Weiqiang W; Liang, Siqi S; Kang, Jin Joo JJ; Eng, Charis C; Loscalzo, Joseph J; Cheng, Feixiong F; Yu, Haiyuan H
Publication Date: 2023-04-25

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: Asn581Ser
PubMed Link: 37162909
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • nihpp-2023.04.24.538110v1.pdf
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Recapitulating thyroid cancer histotypes through engineering embryonic stem cells.

Nature Communications
Veschi, Veronica V; Turdo, Alice A; Modica, Chiara C; Verona, Francesco F; Di Franco, Simone S; Gaggianesi, Miriam M; Tirrò, Elena E; Di Bella, Sebastiano S; Iacono, Melania Lo ML; Pantina, Vincenzo Davide VD; Porcelli, Gaetana G; Mangiapane, Laura Rosa LR; Bianca, Paola P; Rizzo, Aroldo A; Sciacca, Elisabetta E; Pillitteri, Irene I; Vella, Veronica V; Belfiore, Antonino A; Bongiorno, Maria Rita MR; Pistone, Giuseppe G; Memeo, Lorenzo L; Colarossi, Lorenzo L; Giuffrida, Dario D; Colarossi, Cristina C; Vigneri, Paolo P; Todaro, Matilde M; Stassi, Giorgio G
Publication Date: 2023-03-11

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S; rs121913370
PubMed Link: 36906579
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41467_2023_36922_MOESM4_ESM.xls, sheet 2
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Characterization of clonal immunoglobulin heavy V-D-J gene rearrangements in Chinese patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Clinical features and molecular profiles.

Frontiers In Oncology
Deng, Xinyue X; Zhang, Meilan M; Wang, Jiachen J; Zhou, Xiaoxi X; Xiao, Min M
Publication Date: 2023

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S
PubMed Link: 36874132
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Table_1.xlsx, sheet 1
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Association of BRAF Variants With Disease Characteristics, Prognosis, and Targeted Therapy Response in Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma.

Jama Network Open
Xin, Hao-Yang HY; Sun, Rong-Qi RQ; Zou, Ji-Xue JX; Wang, Peng-Cheng PC; Wang, Jia-Yin JY; Ye, Yu-Hang YH; Liu, Kai-Xuan KX; Hu, Zhi-Qiang ZQ; Zhou, Zheng-Jun ZJ; Fan, Jia J; Zhou, Jian J; Zhou, Shao-Lai SL
Publication Date: 2023-03-01

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S
PubMed Link: 36867406
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • jamanetwopen-e231476-s001.pdf
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Integrative pan-cancer genomic and transcriptomic analyses of refractory metastatic cancer.

Cancer Discovery
Pradat, Yoann Y; Viot, Julien J; Yurchenko, Andrey A AA; Gunbin, Konstantin K; Cerbone, Luigi L; Deloger, Marc M; Grisay, Guillaume G; Verlingue, Loic L; Scott, Veronique V; Padioleau, Ismael I; Panunzi, Leonardo L; Michiels, Stefan S; Hollebecque, Antoine A; Jules-Clement, Gerome G; Mezquita, Laura L; Laine, Antoine A; Loriot, Yohann Y; Besse, Benjamin B; Friboulet, Luc L; Andre, Fabrice F; Cournede, Paul-Henry PH; Gautheret, Daniel D; Nikolaev, Sergey I SI
Publication Date: 2023-03-02

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S
PubMed Link: 36862804
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • cd-22-0966_supplementary_tables_s1-s11_suppst1.xlsx, sheet 5
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Network expansion of genetic associations defines a pleiotropy map of human cell biology.

Nature Genetics
Barrio-Hernandez, Inigo I; Schwartzentruber, Jeremy J; Shrivastava, Anjali A; Del-Toro, Noemi N; Gonzalez, Asier A; Zhang, Qian Q; Mountjoy, Edward E; Suveges, Daniel D; Ochoa, David D; Ghoussaini, Maya M; Bradley, Glyn G; Hermjakob, Henning H; Orchard, Sandra S; Dunham, Ian I; Anderson, Carl A CA; Porras, Pablo P; Beltrao, Pedro P
Publication Date: 2023-02-23

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1742A>G; Asn581Ser
PubMed Link: 36823319
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41588_2023_1327_MOESM4_ESM.xlsx, sheet 6
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Tumor-Type Agnostic, Targeted Therapies: BRAF Inhibitors Join the Group.

Acta Medica Academica
Vranic, Semir S; Basu, Gargi D GD; Hall, David W DW; Gatalica, Zoran Z
Publication Date: 2022-12-30

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S
PubMed Link: 36799315
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • AMA-51-217.pdf
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Efficacy and clinicogenomic correlates of response to immune checkpoint inhibitors alone or with chemotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer.

Nature Communications
Hong, Lingzhi L; Aminu, Muhammad M; Li, Shenduo S; Lu, Xuetao X; Petranovic, Milena M; Saad, Maliazurina B MB; Chen, Pingjun P; Qin, Kang K; Varghese, Susan S; Rinsurongkawong, Waree W; Rinsurongkawong, Vadeerat V; Spelman, Amy A; Elamin, Yasir Y YY; Negrao, Marcelo V MV; Skoulidis, Ferdinandos F; Gay, Carl M CM; Cascone, Tina T; Gandhi, Saumil J SJ; Lin, Steven H SH; Lee, Percy P PP; Carter, Brett W BW; Wu, Carol C CC; Antonoff, Mara B MB; Sepesi, Boris B; Lewis, Jeff J; Gibbons, Don L DL; Vaporciyan, Ara A AA; Le, Xiuning X; Jack Lee, J J; Roy-Chowdhuri, Sinchita S; Routbort, Mark J MJ; Gainor, Justin F JF; Heymach, John V JV; Lou, Yanyan Y; Wu, Jia J; Zhang, Jianjun J; Vokes, Natalie I NI
Publication Date: 2023-02-08

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1742A>G
PubMed Link: 36755027
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41467_2023_36328_MOESM7_ESM.xlsx, sheet 1
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PET/CT radiomics for prediction of hyperprogression in metastatic melanoma patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors.

Frontiers In Oncology
Gabryś, H S HS; Basler, L L; Burgermeister, S S; Hogan, S S; Ahmadsei, M M; Pavic, M M; Bogowicz, M M; Vuong, D D; Tanadini-Lang, S S; Förster, R R; Kudura, K K; Huellner, M M; Dummer, R R; Levesque, M P MP; Guckenberger, M M
Publication Date: 2022

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S
PubMed Link: 36505821
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • fonc-12-977822.pdf
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An EGFR L858R mutation identified in 1862 Chinese NSCLC patients can be a promising neoantigen vaccine therapeutic strategy.

Frontiers In Immunology
Lin, Jing J; Liu, Jun J; Hao, Shi-Guang SG; Lan, Bin B; Zheng, Xiao-Bin XB; Xiong, Jia-Ni JN; Zhang, Ying-Qian YQ; Gao, Xuan X; Chen, Chuan-Ben CB; Chen, Ling L; Huang, Yu-Fang YF; Luo, Hong H; Yi, Yu-Ting YT; Yi, Xin X; Lu, Jian-Ping JP; Zheng, Xiong-Wei XW; Chen, Gang G; Wang, Xue-Feng XF; Chen, Yu Y
Publication Date: 2022

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1742A>G; N581S
PubMed Link: 36505399
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Table_2.xlsx, sheet 2
  • Table_2.xlsx, sheet 3
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A sex-informed approach to improve the personalised decision making process in myelodysplastic syndromes: a multicentre, observational cohort study.

The Lancet. Haematology
Publication Date: 2022-11-24

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1742A>G; N581S
PubMed Link: 36436542
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • mmc2.xlsx, sheet 1
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Somatic mutation distribution across tumour cohorts provides a signal for positive selection in cancer.

Nature Communications
Boström, Martin M; Larsson, Erik E
Publication Date: 2022-11-17

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S
PubMed Link: 36396655
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41467_2022_34746_MOESM10_ESM.xlsx, sheet 1
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Genomic landscape of the immunogenicity regulation in skin melanomas with diverse tumor mutation burden.

Frontiers In Immunology
Georgoulias, George G; Zaravinos, Apostolos A
Publication Date: 2022

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S
PubMed Link: 36389735
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Table_7.xlsx, sheet 8
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New Directions in the Therapy of Glioblastoma.

Szklener, Katarzyna K; Mazurek, Marek M; Wieteska, Małgorzata M; Wacławska, Monika M; Bilski, Mateusz M; Mańdziuk, Sławomir S
Publication Date: 2022-10-31

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S
PubMed Link: 36358795
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • cancers-14-05377.pdf
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Clinical associations and genetic interactions of oncogenic BRAF alleles.

Wagner, Sebastian A SA
Publication Date: 2022

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S
PubMed Link: 36275468
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • peerj-10-14126.pdf
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Genomic characterization reveals distinct mutation landscapes and therapeutic implications in neuroendocrine carcinomas of the gastrointestinal tract.

Cancer Communications (London, England)
Wu, Huanwen H; Yu, Zicheng Z; Liu, Yueping Y; Guo, Lei L; Teng, Lianghong L; Guo, Lingchuan L; Liang, Li L; Wang, Jing J; Gao, Jie J; Li, Ruiyu R; Yang, Ling L; Nie, Xiu X; Su, Dan D; Liang, Zhiyong Z
Publication Date: 2022-10-20

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1742A>G; N581S; rs121913370
PubMed Link: 36264285
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • CAC2-42-1367-s002.xlsx, sheet 3
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Predictive mutation signature of immunotherapy benefits in NSCLC based on machine learning algorithms.

Frontiers In Immunology
Liu, Zhichao Z; Lin, Guo G; Yan, Zeping Z; Li, Linduo L; Wu, Xingchen X; Shi, Jingrong J; He, Jianxing J; Zhao, Lei L; Liang, Hengrui H; Wang, Wei W
Publication Date: 2022

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1742A>G; N581S
PubMed Link: 36238300
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Table_1.xlsx, sheet 4
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The mutational landscape of cancer's vulnerability to ionizing radiation.

Clinical Cancer Research : An Official Journal Of The American Association For Cancer Research
Gopal, Priyanka P; Yard, Brian D BD; Petty, Aaron A; Lal, Jessica C JC; Bera, Titas K TK; Hoang, Trung Q TQ; Buhimschi, Alexandru B AB; Abazeed, Mohamed E ME
Publication Date: 2022-10-12

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S
PubMed Link: 36222846
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • ccr-22-1914_supplementary_data_2_suppds2.xlsx, sheet 1
  • ccr-22-1914_supplementary_data_3_suppds3.xlsx, sheet 1
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Mutually exclusive genetic interactions and gene essentiality shape the genomic landscape of primary melanoma.

The Journal Of Pathology
Birkeälv, Sofia S; Harland, Mark M; Matsuyama, Larissa Satiko Alcantara Sekimoto LSAS; Rashid, Mamun M; Mehta, Ishan I; Laye, Jonathan P JP; Haase, Kerstin K; Mell, Tracey T; Iyer, Vivek V; Robles-Espinoza, Carla Daniela CD; McDermott, Ultan U; van Loo, Peter P; Kuijjer, Marieke L ML; Possik, Patricia A PA; Maria Engler, Silvya Stuchi SS; Bishop, D Timothy DT; Newton-Bishop, Julia J; Adams, David J DJ
Publication Date: 2022-10-11

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S
PubMed Link: 36219477
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • PATH-259-56-s006.xlsx, sheet 2
  • PATH-259-56-s004.xlsx, sheet 2
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Prevalence of Molecular Alterations in a Swiss Cohort of 512 Colorectal Carcinoma Patients by Targeted Next-Generation Sequencing Analysis in Routine Diagnostics.

Pathobiology : Journal Of Immunopathology, Molecular And Cellular Biology
Haefliger, Simon S; Marston, Katharina K; Alborelli, Ilaria I; Stauffer, Edouard-Jean EJ; Gugger, Mathias M; Jermann, Philip M PM; Hoeller, Sylvia S; Tornillo, Luigi L; Terracciano, Luigi M LM; Bihl, Michel M; Matter, Matthias S MS
Publication Date: 2022-10-06

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S
PubMed Link: 36202073
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • pat-0090-0166-s01.pdf
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EPHA5 mutation was associated with adverse outcome of atezolizumab treatment in late-stage non-small cell lung cancers.

Bmc Pulmonary Medicine
Li, Zhenxiang Z; Zhou, Qing Q; Wang, Qi Q; Wang, Haiyong H; Yue, Weiming W
Publication Date: 2022-09-19

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1742A>G; N581S
PubMed Link: 36123678
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 12890_2022_2161_MOESM2_ESM.xlsx, sheet 1
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Comprehensive characterization of genomic and radiologic features reveals distinct driver patterns of RTK/RAS pathway in ground-glass opacity pulmonary nodules.

International Journal Of Cancer
Yu, Fenglei F; Peng, Muyun M; Bai, Jing J; Zhu, Xiuli X; Zhang, Bingyu B; Tang, Jingqun J; Liu, Wenliang W; Chen, Chen C; Wang, Xiang X; Chen, Mingjiu M; Tan, Sichuang S; Sun, Yi Y; Liang, Qingchun Q; Li, Jina J; Hu, Yan Y; Liao, Aihui A; Hu, Huali H; He, Yu Y; Xiao, Xiao X; Wang, Bin B; Xing, Guanlan G; Xu, Yaping Y; Chen, Rongrong R; Xia, Xuefeng X; Chen, Xiaofeng X
Publication Date: 2022-12-01

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S
PubMed Link: 36029220
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • IJC-151-2020.pdf
  • IJC-151-2020-s001.pdf
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Genomic Landscape of RTK/RAS Pathway and Tumor Immune Infiltration as Prognostic Indicator of Lung Adenocarcinoma.

Frontiers In Oncology
Yin, Xiang-Qian XQ; Yin, Xue-Hui XH; Yu, Ya-Qin YQ; Xu, Lang L; Zhang, Mao M
Publication Date: 2022

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1742A>G; Asn581Ser; rs121913370
PubMed Link: 35936718
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Table_4.xlsx, sheet 2
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Genome-wide analyses of 200,453 individuals yield new insights into the causes and consequences of clonal hematopoiesis.

Nature Genetics
Kar, Siddhartha P SP; Quiros, Pedro M PM; Gu, Muxin M; Jiang, Tao T; Mitchell, Jonathan J; Langdon, Ryan R; Iyer, Vivek V; Barcena, Clea C; Vijayabaskar, M S MS; Fabre, Margarete A MA; Carter, Paul P; Petrovski, Slavé S; Burgess, Stephen S; Vassiliou, George S GS
Publication Date: 2022-08

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S
PubMed Link: 35835912
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41588_2022_1121_MOESM3_ESM.xlsx, sheet 3
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Clinical genomic profiling in the management of patients with soft tissue and bone sarcoma.

Nature Communications
Gounder, Mrinal M MM; Agaram, Narasimhan P NP; Trabucco, Sally E SE; Robinson, Victoria V; Ferraro, Richard A RA; Millis, Sherri Z SZ; Krishnan, Anita A; Lee, Jessica J; Attia, Steven S; Abida, Wassim W; Drilon, Alexander A; Chi, Ping P; Angelo, Sandra P D' SP; Dickson, Mark A MA; Keohan, Mary Lou ML; Kelly, Ciara M CM; Agulnik, Mark M; Chawla, Sant P SP; Choy, Edwin E; Chugh, Rashmi R; Meyer, Christian F CF; Myer, Parvathi A PA; Moore, Jessica L JL; Okimoto, Ross A RA; Pollock, Raphael E RE; Ravi, Vinod V; Singh, Arun S AS; Somaiah, Neeta N; Wagner, Andrew J AJ; Healey, John H JH; Frampton, Garrett M GM; Venstrom, Jeffrey M JM; Ross, Jeffrey S JS; Ladanyi, Marc M; Singer, Samuel S; Brennan, Murray F MF; Schwartz, Gary K GK; Lazar, Alexander J AJ; Thomas, David M DM; Maki, Robert G RG; Tap, William D WD; Ali, Siraj M SM; Jin, Dexter X DX
Publication Date: 2022-06-15

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S
PubMed Link: 35705558
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41467_2022_30496_MOESM2_ESM.xls, sheet 1
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Pathophysiologic and clinical implications of molecular profiles resultant from deletion 5q.

Adema, Vera V; Palomo, Laura L; Walter, Wencke W; Mallo, Mar M; Hutter, Stephan S; La Framboise, Thomas T; Arenillas, Leonor L; Meggendorfer, Manja M; Radivoyevitch, Tomas T; Xicoy, Blanca B; Pellagatti, Andrea A; Haferlach, Claudia C; Boultwood, Jacqueline J; Kern, Wolfgang W; Visconte, Valeria V; Sekeres, Mikkael M; Barnard, John J; Haferlach, Torsten T; Solé, Francesc F; Maciejewski, Jaroslaw P JP
Publication Date: 2022-06

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1742A>G; Asn581Ser
PubMed Link: 35617825
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • mmc3.xlsx, sheet 1
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T Cell Defects: New Insights Into the Primary Resistance Factor to CD19/CD22 Cocktail CAR T-Cell Immunotherapy in Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma.

Frontiers In Immunology
Wang, Jiachen J; Shen, Kefeng K; Mu, Wei W; Li, Weigang W; Zhang, Meilan M; Zhang, Wei W; Li, Zhe Z; Ge, Tong T; Zhu, Zhoujie Z; Zhang, Shangkun S; Chen, Caixia C; Xing, Shugang S; Zhu, Li L; Chen, Liting L; Wang, Na N; Huang, Liang L; Li, Dengju D; Xiao, Min M; Zhou, Jianfeng J
Publication Date: 2022

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1742A>G; Asn581Ser; rs121913370
PubMed Link: 35572515
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Table_2.xlsx, sheet 5
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Non-canonical genomic driver mutations of urethane carcinogenesis.

Plos One
Li, Siqi S; Counter, Christopher M CM
Publication Date: 2022

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S
PubMed Link: 35482806
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • pone.0267147.pdf
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Clinically actionable cancer somatic variants (CACSV): a tumor interpreted dataset for analytical workflows.

Bmc Medical Genomics
Sobahy, Turki M TM; Tashkandi, Ghassan G; Bahussain, Donya D; Al-Harbi, Raneem R
Publication Date: 2022-04-25

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1742A>G
PubMed Link: 35468810
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 12920_2022_1235_MOESM3_ESM.xlsx, sheet 1
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Clinical and genomic features of Chinese lung cancer patients with germline mutations.

Nature Communications
Peng, Wenying W; Li, Bin B; Li, Jin J; Chang, Lianpeng L; Bai, Jing J; Yi, Yuting Y; Chen, Rongrong R; Zhang, Yanyan Y; Chen, Chen C; Pu, Xingxiang X; Jiang, Meilin M; Li, Jia J; Zhong, Rui R; Xu, Fang F; Chen, Bolin B; Xu, Li L; Wang, Ning N; Huan, Jiaojiao J; Dai, Pingping P; Guan, Yanfang Y; Yang, Ling L; Xia, Xuefeng X; Yi, Xin X; Wang, Jiayin J; Yu, Fenglei F; Wu, Lin L
Publication Date: 2022-03-10

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1742A>G; N581S
PubMed Link: 35273153
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 41467_2022_28840_MOESM7_ESM.xlsx, sheet 1
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Custom multi‑tumor next‑generation sequencing panel for routine molecular diagnosis of solid tumors: Validation and results from three‑year clinical use.

International Journal Of Molecular Medicine
Chevrier, Sandy S; Brasselet, Astrid A; Carnet, Marion M; Chevriaux, Angélique A; Gibeaud, Anne A; Jourdain, Marine M; Mananet, Hugo H; Truntzer, Caroline C; Beltjens, Françoise F; Charon-Barra, Céline C; Arnould, Laurent L; Albuisson, Juliette J; Comte, Anthony A; Derangère, Valentin V; Goussot, Vincent V; Boidot, Romain R
Publication Date: 2022-05

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1742A>G; Asn581Ser
PubMed Link: 35244186
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Supplementary_Data2.xlsx, sheet 1
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KRAS and RAS-MAPK Pathway Deregulation in Mature B Cell Lymphoproliferative Disorders.

Vendramini, Elena E; Bomben, Riccardo R; Pozzo, Federico F; Bittolo, Tamara T; Tissino, Erika E; Gattei, Valter V; Zucchetto, Antonella A
Publication Date: 2022-01-28

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S
PubMed Link: 35158933
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • cancers-14-00666.pdf
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KRAS and RAS-MAPK Pathway Deregulation in Mature B Cell Lymphoproliferative Disorders.

Vendramini, Elena E; Bomben, Riccardo R; Pozzo, Federico F; Bittolo, Tamara T; Tissino, Erika E; Gattei, Valter V; Zucchetto, Antonella A
Publication Date: 2022-01-28

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S
PubMed Link: 35158933
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • cancers-14-00666.pdf
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Association between BRAF mutant classification and the efficacy of pemetrexed-based chemotherapy in Chinese advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients: a multicenter retrospective study.

Translational Cancer Research
Lei, Lei L; Wang, Wen-Xian WX; Zhu, You-Cai YC; Pu, Xing-Xiang XX; Fang, Yong Y; Wang, Hong H; Zhuang, Wu W; Zhang, Yin-Bin YB; Wang, Li-Ping LP; Xu, Chun-Wei CW; Fang, Mei-Yu MY
Publication Date: 2020-10

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S
PubMed Link: 35117215
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Main text
  • tcr-09-10-6039.pdf
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Therapeutic targeting of ARID1A and PI3K/AKT pathway alterations in cholangiocarcinoma.

Tessiri, Supharada S; Techasen, Anchalee A; Kongpetch, Sarinya S; Namjan, Achira A; Loilome, Watcharin W; Chan-On, Waraporn W; Thanan, Raynoo R; Jusakul, Apinya A
Publication Date: 2022

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S
PubMed Link: 35070505
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • peerj-10-12750-s003.xlsx, sheet 1
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Utilizing phenotypic characteristics of metastatic brain tumors to improve the probability of detecting circulating tumor DNA from cerebrospinal fluid in non-small-cell lung cancer patients: development and validation of a prediction model in a prospective cohort study.

Esmo Open
Li, M M; Hou, X X; Zheng, L L; Ma, Y Y; Li, D D; Lv, Y Y; Chen, J J; Zheng, W W; Shao, Y Y; Mou, Y Y; Chen, L L
Publication Date: 2022-02

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S
PubMed Link: 34922300
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • mmc1.xlsx, sheet 1
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Molecular characterization of Kita-Kyushu lung cancer antigen (KK-LC-1) expressing carcinomas.

Hsu, Robert R; Baca, Yasmine Y; Xiu, Joanne J; Wang, Rongfu R; Bodor, J Nicholas JN; Kim, Chul C; Khan, Hina H; Mamdani, Hirva H; Nagasaka, Misako M; Puri, Sonam S; Liu, Stephen V SV; Korn, W Michael WM; Nieva, Jorge J JJ
Publication Date: 2021-12-07

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S
PubMed Link: 34917263
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • oncotarget-12-2449-s001.pdf
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Identification of Immune-Related Gene Signatures in Lung Adenocarcinoma and Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma.

Frontiers In Immunology
Li, Na N; Wang, Jiahong J; Zhan, Xianquan X
Publication Date: 2021

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1742A>G; Asn581Ser
PubMed Link: 34887858
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • Table_3.xlsx, sheet 1
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Selection Strategies and Practical Application of BRAF V600E-Mutated Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma.

Cancer Research And Treatment
Hwang, Inwoo I; Choi, Yoon-La YL; Lee, Hyunwoo H; Hwang, Soohyun S; Lee, Boram B; Yang, Hobin H; Chelakkot, Chaithanya C; Han, Joungho J
Publication Date: 2022-07

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S
PubMed Link: 34844291
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • crt-2021-843_S2_Table.pdf
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Identification of copy number variation-driven molecular subtypes informative for prognosis and treatment in pancreatic adenocarcinoma of a Chinese cohort.

Zhan, Qian Q; Wen, Chenlei C; Zhao, Yi Y; Fang, Lu L; Jin, Yangbing Y; Zhang, Zehui Z; Zou, Siyi S; Li, Fanlu F; Yang, Ying Y; Wu, Lijia L; Jin, Jiabin J; Lu, Xiongxiong X; Xie, Junjie J; Cheng, Dongfeng D; Xu, Zhiwei Z; Zhang, Jun J; Wang, Jiancheng J; Deng, XiaXing X; Chen, Hao H; Peng, Chenghong C; Li, Hongwei H; Zhang, Henghui H; Fang, Hai H; Wang, Chaofu C; Shen, Baiyong B
Publication Date: 2021-12

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S
PubMed Link: 34839264
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • mmc5.xlsx, sheet 1
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Identification of copy number variation-driven molecular subtypes informative for prognosis and treatment in pancreatic adenocarcinoma of a Chinese cohort.

Zhan, Qian Q; Wen, Chenlei C; Zhao, Yi Y; Fang, Lu L; Jin, Yangbing Y; Zhang, Zehui Z; Zou, Siyi S; Li, Fanlu F; Yang, Ying Y; Wu, Lijia L; Jin, Jiabin J; Lu, Xiongxiong X; Xie, Junjie J; Cheng, Dongfeng D; Xu, Zhiwei Z; Zhang, Jun J; Wang, Jiancheng J; Deng, XiaXing X; Chen, Hao H; Peng, Chenghong C; Li, Hongwei H; Zhang, Henghui H; Fang, Hai H; Wang, Chaofu C; Shen, Baiyong B
Publication Date: 2021-11-25

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S
PubMed Link: 34839264
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BRAF Signaling Inhibition in Glioblastoma: Which Clinical Perspectives?

Frontiers In Oncology
Bouchè, Victoria V; Aldegheri, Giovanni G; Donofrio, Carmine Antonio CA; Fioravanti, Antonio A; Roberts-Thomson, Samuel S; Fox, Stephen B SB; Schettini, Francesco F; Generali, Daniele D
Publication Date: 2021

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PubMed Link: 34804975
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Intertumoural Heterogeneity and Branch Evolution of Synchronous Multiple Primary Lung Adenocarcinomas by Next-Generation Sequencing Analysis.

Frontiers In Oncology
Zhang, Qinleng Q; Jia, Hui H; Wang, Zhendan Z; Hao, Shaoyu S; Huang, Haiyan H; Yang, Airong A; Han, Lu L; Song, Pingping P
Publication Date: 2021

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1742A>G; N581S
PubMed Link: 34804960
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Targeted Sequencing Revealed Distinct Mutational Profiles of Ocular and Extraocular Sebaceous Carcinomas.

Na, Hee Young HY; Park, Jeong Hwan JH; Shin, Sun Ah SA; Lee, Sejoon S; Lee, Heonyi H; Chae, Heejoon H; Choung, HoKyung H; Kim, Namju N; Chung, Jin-Haeng JH; Kim, Ji Eun JE
Publication Date: 2021-09-26

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PubMed Link: 34638295
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Targeted Therapy of Papillary Thyroid Cancer: A Comprehensive Genomic Analysis.

Frontiers In Endocrinology
Hescheler, Daniel A DA; Riemann, Burkhard B; Hartmann, Milan J M MJM; Michel, Maximilian M; Faust, Michael M; Bruns, Christiane J CJ; Alakus, Hakan H; Chiapponi, Costanza C
Publication Date: 2021

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S
PubMed Link: 34630336
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CDKN2A loss-of-function predicts immunotherapy resistance in non-small cell lung cancer.

Scientific Reports
Gutiontov, Stanley I SI; Turchan, William Tyler WT; Spurr, Liam F LF; Rouhani, Sherin J SJ; Chervin, Carolina Soto CS; Steinhardt, George G; Lager, Angela M AM; Wanjari, Pankhuri P; Malik, Renuka R; Connell, Philip P PP; Chmura, Steven J SJ; Juloori, Aditya A; Hoffman, Philip C PC; Ferguson, Mark K MK; Donington, Jessica S JS; Patel, Jyoti D JD; Vokes, Everett E EE; Weichselbaum, Ralph R RR; Bestvina, Christine M CM; Segal, Jeremy P JP; Pitroda, Sean P SP
Publication Date: 2021-10-08

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1742A>G; N581S
PubMed Link: 34625620
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Molecular profiling of advanced malignancies guides first-line N-of-1 treatments in the I-PREDICT treatment-naïve study.

Genome Medicine
Sicklick, Jason K JK; Kato, Shumei S; Okamura, Ryosuke R; Patel, Hitendra H; Nikanjam, Mina M; Fanta, Paul T PT; Hahn, Michael E ME; De, Pradip P; Williams, Casey C; Guido, Jessica J; Solomon, Benjamin M BM; McKay, Rana R RR; Krie, Amy A; Boles, Sarah G SG; Ross, Jeffrey S JS; Lee, J Jack JJ; Leyland-Jones, Brian B; Lippman, Scott M SM; Kurzrock, Razelle R
Publication Date: 2021-10-04

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PubMed Link: 34607609
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Co-mutations of epidermal growth factor receptor and BRAF in Chinese non-small cell lung cancer patients.

Annals Of Translational Medicine
Peng, Panli P; Lv, Guoli G; Hu, Jinwei J; Wang, Kai K; Lv, Junhong J; Guo, Gang G
Publication Date: 2021-08

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S
PubMed Link: 34532458
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Multiregional sequencing and circulating tumour DNA analysis provide complementary approaches for comprehensive disease profiling of small lymphocytic lymphoma.

British Journal Of Haematology
Moia, Riccardo R; Favini, Chiara C; Ferri, Valentina V; Forestieri, Gabriela G; Terzi Di Bergamo, Lodovico L; Schipani, Mattia M; Sagiraju, Sruthi S; Andorno, Annalisa A; Rasi, Silvia S; Adhinaveni, Ramesh R; Talotta, Donatella D; Al Essa, Wael W; De Paoli, Lorenzo L; Margiotta Casaluci, Gloria G; Patriarca, Andrea A; Boldorini, Renzo L RL; Rossi, Davide D; Gaidano, Gianluca G
Publication Date: 2021-10

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1742A>G; N581S
PubMed Link: 34291829
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Improvement of Neoantigen Identification Through Convolution Neural Network.

Frontiers In Immunology
Hao, Qing Q; Wei, Ping P; Shu, Yang Y; Zhang, Yi-Guan YG; Xu, Heng H; Zhao, Jun-Ning JN
Publication Date: 2021

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S
PubMed Link: 34113354
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Sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of a liquid biopsy approach utilizing molecular amplification pools.

Scientific Reports
Garcia, Jessica J; Kamps-Hughes, Nick N; Geiguer, Florence F; Couraud, Sébastien S; Sarver, Brice B; Payen, Léa L; Ionescu-Zanetti, Cristian C
Publication Date: 2021-05-24

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1742A>G; N581S
PubMed Link: 34031447
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Mesonephric and mesonephric-like carcinomas of the female genital tract: molecular characterization including cases with mixed histology and matched metastases.

Modern Pathology : An Official Journal Of The United States And Canadian Academy Of Pathology, Inc
da Silva, Edaise M EM; Fix, Daniel J DJ; Sebastiao, Ana Paula Martins APM; Selenica, Pier P; Ferrando, Lorenzo L; Kim, Sarah H SH; Stylianou, Anthe A; Da Cruz Paula, Arnaud A; Pareja, Fresia F; Smith, Evan S ES; Zehir, Ahmet A; Konner, Jason A JA; Cadoo, Karen K; Reis-Filho, Jorge S JS; Abu-Rustum, Nadeem R NR; Mueller, Jennifer J JJ; Weigelt, Britta B; Park, Kay J KJ
Publication Date: 2021-08

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S
PubMed Link: 33772212
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Clinical impact of subclonal EGFR T790M mutations in advanced-stage EGFR-mutant non-small-cell lung cancers.

Nature Communications
Vaclova, Tereza T; Grazini, Ursula U; Ward, Lewis L; O'Neill, Daniel D; Markovets, Aleksandra A; Huang, Xiangning X; Chmielecki, Juliann J; Hartmaier, Ryan R; Thress, Kenneth S KS; Smith, Paul D PD; Barrett, J Carl JC; Downward, Julian J; de Bruin, Elza C EC
Publication Date: 2021-03-19

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1742A>G; N581S
PubMed Link: 33741979
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Mutation profile and immunoscore signature in thymic carcinomas: An exploratory study and review of the literature.

Thoracic Cancer
Asselta, Rosanna R; Di Tommaso, Luca L; Perrino, Matteo M; Destro, Annarita A; Giordano, Laura L; Cardamone, Giulia G; Rubino, Luca L; Santoro, Armando A; Duga, Stefano S; Zucali, Paolo Andrea PA
Publication Date: 2021-05

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1742A>G; N581S
PubMed Link: 33704917
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Nivolumab plus regorafenib in patients with small bowel adenocarcinoma: A case report.

Zhang, Gairong G; Lin, Li L; Dong, Dapeng D; Qiu, Hui H; Liu, Tao T; Lian, Li L; Shen, Ge G
Publication Date: 2021-01-29

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S
PubMed Link: 33530218
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Assessment of RAS Dependency for BRAF Alterations Using Cancer Genomic Databases.

Jama Network Open
Zhao, Yiqing Y; Yu, Hanzhong H; Ida, Cris M CM; Halling, Kevin C KC; Kipp, Benjamin R BR; Geiersbach, Katherine K; Rumilla, Kandelaria M KM; Gupta, Sounak S; Lin, Ming-Tseh MT; Zheng, Gang G
Publication Date: 2021-01-04

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S
PubMed Link: 33507258
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Molecular Epidemiology of the Main Druggable Genetic Alterations in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.

International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
Fois, Sara S SS; Paliogiannis, Panagiotis P; Zinellu, Angelo A; Fois, Alessandro G AG; Cossu, Antonio A; Palmieri, Giuseppe G
Publication Date: 2021-01-09

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: N581S
PubMed Link: 33435440
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