BRAF c.1665T>G ;(p.D555E)

Variant ID: 7-140476741-A-C


This variant was identified in 2 publications

View GRCh38 version.


Pure somatic pathogenic variation profiles for patients with serrated polyposis syndrome: a case series.

Bmc Research Notes
Hidaka, Misaki M; Iwaizumi, Moriya M; Taniguchi, Terumi T; Baba, Satoshi S; Osawa, Satoshi S; Sugimoto, Ken K; Maekawa, Masato M
Publication Date: 2022-11-22

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: 1665T>G; Asp555Glu
PubMed Link: 36419139
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • 13104_2022_Article_6245.pdf
View BVdb publication page

A large peptidome dataset improves HLA class I epitope prediction across most of the human population.

Nature Biotechnology
Sarkizova, Siranush S; Klaeger, Susan S; Le, Phuong M PM; Li, Letitia W LW; Oliveira, Giacomo G; Keshishian, Hasmik H; Hartigan, Christina R CR; Zhang, Wandi W; Braun, David A DA; Ligon, Keith L KL; Bachireddy, Pavan P; Zervantonakis, Ioannis K IK; Rosenbluth, Jennifer M JM; Ouspenskaia, Tamara T; Law, Travis T; Justesen, Sune S; Stevens, Jonathan J; Lane, William J WJ; Eisenhaure, Thomas T; Lan Zhang, Guang G; Clauser, Karl R KR; Hacohen, Nir N; Carr, Steven A SA; Wu, Catherine J CJ; Keskin, Derin B DB
Publication Date: 2020-02

Variant appearance in text: BRAF: D555E
PubMed Link: 31844290
Variant Present in the following documents:
  • NIHMS1541512-supplement-Sup_Data2.xlsx, sheet 3
View BVdb publication page