SECISBP2 c.1146_1147insT ;(p.K383*)

Variant ID: 9-91953429-G-GT


This variant was identified in 1 publication

View GRCh38 version.


Contribution of rare inherited and de novo variants in 2,871 congenital heart disease probands.

Nature Genetics
Jin, Sheng Chih SC; Homsy, Jason J; Zaidi, Samir S; Lu, Qiongshi Q; Morton, Sarah S; DePalma, Steven R SR; Zeng, Xue X; Qi, Hongjian H; Chang, Weni W; Sierant, Michael C MC; Hung, Wei-Chien WC; Haider, Shozeb S; Zhang, Junhui J; Knight, James J; Bjornson, Robert D RD; Castaldi, Christopher C; Tikhonoa, Irina R IR; Bilguvar, Kaya K; Mane, Shrikant M SM; Sanders, Stephan J SJ; Mital, Seema S; Russell, Mark W MW; Gaynor, J William JW; Deanfield, John J; Giardini, Alessandro A; Porter, George A GA; Srivastava, Deepak D; Lo, Cecelia W CW; Shen, Yufeng Y; Watkins, W Scott WS; Yandell, Mark M; Yost, H Joseph HJ; Tristani-Firouzi, Martin M; Newburger, Jane W JW; Roberts, Amy E AE; Kim, Richard R; Zhao, Hongyu H; Kaltman, Jonathan R JR; Goldmuntz, Elizabeth E; Chung, Wendy K WK; Seidman, Jonathan G JG; Gelb, Bruce D BD; Seidman, Christine E CE; Lifton, Richard P RP; Brueckner, Martina M
Publication Date: 2017-11

Variant appearance in text: N/A
PubMed Link: 28991257
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